Rheumy Changed Meds to Humira and Cymbalta | Arthritis Information


Good Morning Everyone!

I went to see my rheumy yesterday and we both were disappointed that Enbrel didn't work for me.  I had such hope that it would be my wonder drug.  He decided to change me to Humira and also wants me to take Cymbalta.  I just don't know much about either of these drugs and would like to hear from you on how you did on them.  My joints are so swollen and my pain level is off the chart.  He kept the rest of my meds the same.  I am hoping that this will work because infusion is the next step.  Please forgive if something does not make sense as I have brain fog so bad this morning.
I wish each of you a less painful day today.
Hi, I cannot offer any input on either of your new meds, but just wanted to say I add my hope to yours that they work, and work well, for you!

Cheers, Shug
Good luck with the new meds. How long did you take enbrel before you switched? How did you know it wasn't really working? I've been on Enbrel since April and not really sure that it's working for me.I was on Humria before starting the Remicade infusions. It worked ok, but the Remicade works a whole lot better.
When I was taking it once every 2 weeks, I would only get about 4 good days than I was right back where I started for the rest of the next week while waiting to be able to take the Humira. Then I was switched to every week and I would only get 3-4 good days out of the week, and then the rest of the week I was misrable. It was better to only be misrable for 3 days, than it was for over a week.
I hope it helps you.

Thanks for the support Shug.  I need all of the "cheerleaders" I can get right now.  (One hundreds twelve pair of shoes-really?) 

Allymom-I started Enbrel in April.  I was looking for a hugh change with the first shot.  I wanted to be one of those people that went into remission on it.  I took mine on Tuesday's and if it was going to go anything I could tell by Wednesday morning the difference.  I keep a diary and I think that happened 3 times.  I am in such pain that I take 4-6 Lortabs 10's-2 at a time-each day.  If I wasn't broke I would be home in bed instead of here at work.  I hope you find relief soon.
joonie-I asked my doctor yesterday if the Humira did not work-what then?  The answer was infusion treatment.  I am afraid of the same thing happening to me.  That it helps for a few days then stops.  I don't mind doing a shot every week but if I get on 3-4 good days out of 7, I want to move on to something else.  Can you have your treatment sooner or are you getting it as soon as you can?  I don't know anything about infusions but I bet I learn quick if Humira fails me.
Thanks so much for each of your responses.  It helps so much.

I take Humira and have been on it for years and have had a really good response.

Keep an eye our for tremors on Cymbalta. I'm a member at another site where a lady said she had terrible tremors while on it and now even after being off of it for a year she still has them! That's a side effect I wouldn't want to be stuck with. Why are they prescribing it? Do you have problems with depression or are they using it for muscle pain? Do some research on it. I've heard numerous complaints about it. I've never taken it so I can't really say....I'm just mentioning what I've heard. Personally I wouldn't take it for pain when there are so many other things that you could try first. Lots of people have a good response to it for mild depression though and depression has been known to cause lots of symptoms like muscle aches and pains. Are you in the US? I think it's really common in other parts of the world for them to prescribe it for other reason so if you're not in the US that's probable very common.
Humira is known to work better in conjunction with other DMARDS like Methotexate. I you haven't been on other DMARDS with your biologics in the past I think I'd talk to your doctor about that before agreeing to an antidepressant for purposes other than depression.
Good Luck!
[QUOTE=ToBPainFreeAgain]  (One hundreds twelve pair of shoes-really?) [/quote](Yup, really. I still have the cedar-lined walk-in closet that was just for shoes.)
[quote]-I asked my doctor yesterday if the Humira did not work-what then?  The answer was infusion treatment.[/quote] The RD's here are quite enthusiastic about Simponi (golimumab).

Best wishes for a speedy resolution of your pain.
I have been on Enbrel since April also and I too take my injections on Tuesdays. I have found the same thing about Wednesday mornings, but by mnday night I have lots of pain. I have kidney disease so I can't take ant anti inflammatories so my pain reliever of choice is Tylenol with codeine. Iwonder, can my doc up my dose or do two injections a week? I don't think my nephrologist will approve me using any of the others. Take care. Oh and Shug, I wish I had that many shoes, of course nowadays I couldn't wear any of them anyhow.

I have sent you a private message

Hi Jeanine...as I have a great deal of time to cruise the board I could not help but notice that you have made five posts and each of them are an announcement that you have sent a private message.

OK, I admit to being extremely curious: how bout sharing your autoimmune history with us, tell us a bit about yourself, your treatment, and your progress. Share you message with all of us, please!

 A hundred apologies for hijacking your topic, ToBPainFreeAgain

Hello and welcome!  I was on Enbrel, then Humira, then back to Enbrel with minocycline and high doses of fish oil.  This last combo has done much to relieve my pain, and I would even consider going back to Humira with the addition of the mino and fish oil to see if that would be better.  At the time I was on the Humira, it was the only thing I was on and it was not enough by itself. 

Idk anything about Cymbalta - Idk even what, exactly, it is used for?  I am sorry you are having such a rough time.  The merry-go-round of choosing meds can be frustrating!!!  Thank goodness we have choices!

I hope today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is great!

Jeanie's pm's have been telling people she can cure RA with her book and diet...here I am worried about these two new meds when all I have to do is read her book and eat her food.Well! Aren't you just the luckiest of the lucky, ToBPainFreeAgain? Colour me sad that I have not be invited to be cured. I think I will skulk off and pout; however, I will revel in your fortune!

I have been on Cymbalta for a week now and at first I had nausea and sleepiness but I can honestly say that I feel great.  I am also on Humira and did my injection last Sunday so I don't know if it is the combo of the 2 working but I could hug my doctor for putting me on it.

Can you take cymbalta when you have kidney disease?
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