OT Found a baby in the street | Arthritis Information


Well I guess he was a toddler. He said Mommy. I said where is Mommy at. He walked up t a near by pourch. Bless his heart his diaper looked to be a few days past do for a changing. It fell as he walked the poo was all down his legs and dried. I was not sure if I was even at the right house. Banged on the door no answer. It looked like a nice house pool in the back. What if he had gotten in the pool there was no gate. He said ouch and pointed to his elbow it scabbed with road rash and swollen and bruised. His eyes had healling cuts all around them. I yelled threw an open window, Hello, Hello anyone in there. I did not have a cell phone on me. Nuts! Went to the other door banged on the door. No answer. Went to the next house to see if I could use a phone. No answer. Went back and banged on the door.

Finally finally a car pulled into the drive way. So a man and a woman get out I said he was in the street and no one will answer the door. The woman said I am going to kick my sisters #!s. She said Thank you so much, thank you. I said I am late for an appointment. So I reported it to DCFS. Then my boyfreind said where was this at. I said across from your rent house by the convient store. He said he had found that baby in the street before. However someone answered the door when he had brought him back. He said the Grandparents work alot and the grandmother has two jobs and sleeps heavily when she is home. Some of the kids still live there. I guess the babies father works also. So thats no excuse. That just means a whole bunch of people are neglecting this kid. They already know that the Mom doesn't watch him so whats up with that? Well they have nice cars and alot of nice stuff and this kid should be in daycare if everyone is all about making money.
I am just still so mad!!! I spent at least thirty minutes with the poor kid. I could not take him across the street to use a phone. I could see that the door was unlatched and not completely closed. I could not just open the door and let him back in. He would have just walked back out. I am not sure anyone was even in there. He was sweet. His injuries where pretty bad. I have never seen a little one with that much swelling and bruising on his elbow. It was more than a little fall. Just slipping on the sidewalk would not have caused that. What ever had happened to his eye. It looked like healing deep gashes he is lucky he is not blind in his left eye, it was three gashes one just above his eyelid and one to either side of his eye. He was so sweet. I am just fumming mad!!!!OMG the poor little thing! I'm glad you reported it- you're his angel! OMG Milly that's terrible! Definitely call the police if you haven't already - DCFS often takes far too long.  In cases of acute abuse, the police can step in and haul someone's ass off to jail while DCFS is still trying to figure out whose caseload this child should be on. This is one of the worst things I have ever read. That poor precious child.   How does it feel to be someone's guardian angel? That poor little baby has no idea how lucky he was today...good job Milly.so true Brisen..... so true.
I hope things get better for that little one... this is heartbreaking.

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