Chest Xray yesterday UPDATE | Arthritis Information


I am sitting on that damn fence again.. waiting to hear results......

I had a chest x-ray yesterday.  RD wanted to do one if my cough hadn't improved in three weeks... and I didn't wait that long and saw my PCP....  I've had a cough since before going to Florida in April...... and it has not left at all in all these months.. gotten worse.. and gotten better....... 
When I saw PCP I had a fever (I never register a fever since my normal temp is so low) and he heard "something in the left side"
He wrote COPD on the script as DX........
I really hope I hear today........ I hate sitting on this fence... hurts!!
babs102009-07-17 10:40:43Babs! Oh, my, damn is right... I send you all my good wishes for first hearing today and second for a positive outcome. Good morning Babs, Well, this isn't the first thread I wanted to read first thing this morning!!!! I'll be keeping positive thoughts going out to you today.  Take care.  LindyOh no! Not my Babs. Well I hope he is wrong. It seems everyone is full of terrible news. Keep us updated. Hope the medicine helps.It seems like waiting for test results always involves a weekend and your doctor's vacation.  Here's to hoping you get your's today  :)
Oops!  I forgot to add to the hoping that they also show some benign thing that is easily fixable.
Linncn2009-07-17 08:53:13Hope all is well.
Much hugs to you!
no word today..........
they are gone....
poop.  *sigh*
I hate that you are right, linncn......... it is always the way..........
WAIT!@! I did have a copy sent to RD....  maybe I can get him? 
can you believe I was excited about pneumonia?
we'll see about the COPD... not out of the woods necessarily..preliminary reading..
but the "something" Is pneumonia!!
Well...sorry, but a course of antibiotics and some extra rest and fluids should put your right: COPD had me more than a bit concerned. Oh Babs!  I'm sorry you have pneumonia, but sooooo glad it isn't COPD.  They thought I had COPD last year and it was scary!  Get well soon.
thanks thanks.. I am so excited...
I have a party on Sat nite for DH's 50th.... and I so don't want to be down....
No COPD!!!
pnuemonia is nothing to fool around with. Drink those fluids. Hard to say on pred but get some rest. So glad it is not COPD. Get some rest and some chicken soup. Robitusin is a must.thanks, momma milly ;)
will do
  Waddie I've had this since March..... posted about it a couple of times in April.......   and just took cough meds and cough drops and dealt with it..... 
It's either I didn't get rid of it the first time....
BUT..... explain to me how I was feeling so great a bit more than a week ago???
I had bronchitis in April...... the doc said maybe i didn't get rid of it the first time (or second) and that it keeps coming back? 10 days of a potent antibiotic should work...... (No enbrel for two weeks -- blech)  but it doesn't seem to be able to leave me......
IDK...   I think this is something new.... not from two months ago.
Just wish me luck getting rid of it now....
Hi Babs, glad you have a firm diagnosis and that you are on the mend now, enjoy the party but make sure you accept all offers of help, regards Janie.Babs, I hope you are feeling better today - don't over do tonight but have some fun!

all partying is over.
It was nice and I'm not too tired today - the girls helped alot... yesterday I was exhausted but couldn't sleep... today I am not too tired....
weird stuff.. this prednisone.
Thaks for your good thoughts....  I am feeling much better already.....  *hugs*
Babs, I started reading this and was getting upset and then I got to the pneumonia part and actually laughed out loud!! You're excitement over the dx had me giggling. :D  I'm so relieved that you do not have COPD!!! Glad to hear you're doing better today. Gentle hugs to ya!Take care of yourself Babs. Hope you can kick it in the booty this time! Okay, woman - enough of this.  Get your booty back working and enjoying life.  Pretty sad when we'd rather have pneumonia than COPD.  I was told that I had COPD and it turned out to be pneumonia and I was jubiliant that it was just pneumonia.  Take care, rest, plenty of liquids and let others take care of you for a few days.  Your lungs will thank you.  Lindy [QUOTE=babs10]thanks thanks.. I am so excited... be a bossy mother.....  I love it.
Yes.. today is to relax... well, as much as five dogs will allow me!  My three critters plus my ODD's chihuahua Frank and her Pug, Beans..... who I adore!!!
I slept very well last night... feel very rested.... and I may tinker in my gardens..... but otherwise.. it's all about enjoyment....... and relaxing.
Thanks all...
Look at you Babs walking around and going to work with pneumonia! I hope you are taking care of yourself and taking a few days off from work to get some rest! Glad you broke down and went to the doctor for that cough!