just new and reading posts | Arthritis Information


Hi, I am new here and just have been reading some posts and trying to get used to all this. I was diagnosed 5 years ago and it has been a rough road.

My username is what I use because that is what a person told me one time which I thought was not a very nice thing to say especially because I had been through so much adn I helped that person out so much. I have learned though that like this disease, just get up in the morning and try and make your way through it and that is not a very good way to live but that is all I have to go with for now. Liek many people said, it can all be worse but I didn;t never have to live this way before so it is very difficult.
Welcome to the forum. People that do not have RA and do not understand can be hurtful and ignorant. Here you will find people that understand. You will also find helpful info. SO stick around and get some support sounds like you need it.Welcome :)  Most of us can look back at how life "use to be" before RA, some have dealt with bigger changes than others.  I'm sorry that you have to go through it too.  I'm glad you found us though.  Like Milly said, you will find a lot of support and information here.[quote]Hi, I am new here and just have been reading some posts and trying to get used to all this. I was diagnosed 5 years ago and it has been a rough road. [/quote]
Hello, welcome to the forum. I dare say that many, if not most, members would agree that an autoimmune disorder diagnosis is a rough road. However many of us are also thankful that we have treatments available that circumvent the worst ravages of the various forms of the disorder.

With the current guidelines of early, aggressive treatment, remission is not only possible but is a realistic goal. Reading the posts should give you an idea of the many forms RA treatment takes as well as the levels of control the members report.

What therapy/treatment are you using at this time?
[quote]My username is what I use because that is what a person told me one time which I thought was not a very nice thing to say especially because I had been through so much[/quote]
Although it sounds like the circumstances of obtaining your username where less than ideal, it seems from my remove that as a wish, rather than a curse, “have a good life” is exactly what I am aiming for. This life is different from my pre-diagnosis life, but it is no less satisfying and wondrous to behold. Life is, at least from my perspective worthy of a daily celebration: those days when I can get up in the morning and make my way through the day proves that I am alive. As long as the Sun comes up in the East and Sets in the West, then no matter the difficulties, I will relish the Sunrises and the Sunsets, the birdsong, the sound of rain on the roof, the whoosh of mind in the eaves, and the feel of the air on my skin.

I am so sorry you are finding life so difficult and hope that you find a moment of joy in today.

Best wishes, Shug
Hello Hagl

I have sent you a privare message.

Hi Jeanine...as I have a great deal of time to cruise the board I could not help but notice that you have made five posts and each of them are an announcement that you have sent a private message.

OK, I admit to being extremely curious: how bout sharing your autoimmune history with us, tell us a bit about yourself, your treatment, and your progress. Share you message with all of us, please!

 A hundred apologies for hijacking your topic, haveagoodlife
Welcome to the forum, Hagl!  I, like Shug, view "have a good life" as something positive!  It may not have started out that way, some people can say awful hurtful things, but you seem to have taken the phrase and made lemonade from lemons!  Thankyou so very much for your replies, they were informative and comforting.
I am on MTX but it is not working that well at this moment and my rheumatologist will be changing or adding to this  at my next visit.
Right now I am on vicodin for pain adn also celebrex but I do not think the celebrex is working as well as it should be so I will ask the rheumatologist about this too.
I take medication for the fibro  but cannot think of the name right now. I have tried several medications but it seems as though I have not found much relief and at times I do wonder if I ever will, but as pointed out, I cnanot give up hope although there have been a few times I thought I was going to.
this is very painful for me an d I feel really lonely at times because I always feel as though it  is such a rare disease and because people cannot really """SEE""" it they do not understand how the disease effects me nor do they understand the mood changes I sometimes have.
THe osteo is not improving ...I think that is t=what he said, cannot remember. I take a pill once a week for that but it makes me feel really sick to my stomach so that medication may have to be changed as well. I guess it is just a trial and error thing.
Mostly people just view me as weird and strange most of the time. I have had a failed marriage and a failed engagement. SO it has to be me.
My children are mostly all grown and on their own now, which at 50 is ok. Feels odd to be at the mid part of my life without kids and no spouse, really do not have the energy to go out to bar hop or meet new men so it makes it kind of a strange existance. I am assuming I will grow accustomed and at some point will find the energy to meet new people and form new friendships. Time will tell.
Thanks for wanting to know how I am getting along. I do not mind sharing some informationa dn if I do not want to share the info I will let you know.
Yeah, the way "Have a good life" was stated to me was rather flip and I really do not think this person actually "wants" me to have a good life, sometimes i think it was meant as a slap in the face, hopefully I am wrong about that.
Regardless, thankyou for your kind words and support. It really does mean a lot to me.
It is hard for me to keep up with people. The relationship thing is difficult. I am dating someone now. So for so good. The hard part is finding someone that understands that you just do not feel well sometimes. I gave up on looking for a while. Just did not have the energy for it. Alot of men just are not interest in a sick girl.Hi and welcome. I hope you find the support you need here. I know I do. I know how it feels to have no one understand how bad it hurts and not just physically, these diseases can hold us back from doing things you once loved. That hurts too. I get on this forum every day, even if it's just to read others advice. Keep coming back, you will find you're not as alone as you thought. Take care.HI Hagl, welcome to our world, we are here to advise, listen, sometimes require help and advie ourselves but all in all we are one big mostly happy family, sometimes there are strange posts and sometimes fights but they always pass.  So jump right in and feel comfortable, we are here to help each other.  Best of luck, Janie.Good Morning and welcome even though I am so sorry you had to find us.  I am also new to this forum but have found so many people to be so helpful in many many ways.
To me reading your post hit home this morning.  My husband and I were talking last night about how people don't understand RA or how sick you become once you get it.  The trial and error of finding the right combo of meds to help you have a half way descent life.  How sick your meds can make you and how depressed and discouraged you can become.
Then it is like you wake up one day and all of your "friends" have checked out.  No one comes to see you no one calls to check on you and then the stupid remarks they will say to you.
As hard as it seems right now, I know there is going to be a better day for all of us.  I am in a flare that started in Jan. and has not let up.  My dr. has just changed my meds and I am so hopeful that these new ones will be life changing for me.  If they don't work I know there are still more out there to try.
Come here often.  Post what is on your heart and mind.  This is the best place to vent when the pressure becomes too much to handle by yourself.
Sending gentle hugs your way!
Oh this just warms my heart and has brought me to tears, people that "get it", I mean actually "get it" Oh I know about the lost friends....oh and how. Seems they always want to do something when you are completely out of energy adn the lethargy has you knocked on your behind in bed. When you do have the energy, you use it sparingly and within your kids and family or just to catch up on the laundry and household chores from a flare.
It is bitterly and brutally hurtful what people will say to you  and very depressing when you have lost the lifestyle you once knew and loved so much.
I am hoping this is a place where i can find the peace of mind I need to get through each day and I know that sounds silly or mundane to some, but it is my reality, there have been times when I just wanted to give up and say...no more I cannot do this anymore.
Rarely have the men in my life understood and it hurts so much so I try not to think about it. Ex hubby found an older woman but a woman that is on the go and bossy all the time, he and I remain good friends.
The past boyfriend of so many years.......ahhhh too painful to talk about for now, many mistakes on both our parts an dme being ill didn't help.
Thanks so much for your replies.
[QUOTE=haveagoodlife] Yeah! What Shug said!! Great advice.lol oh sooo true.
I get down/depressed/lose my self esteem easily these days, but then again I have a family that is good at doing that to me as well. I do have to say they have lightened up a bit on it though, I grew so worry of hearing  how disgusting and ect. I was.
Like my daughter said, do you really want to measure your life and your self worth by the statements and actions of someone that treats you badly?  The answer would be no...like Oprah says"Love is not supposed to hurt". or something like that. ( I guess she must have listened to me through the years huh? that way I get to hear it from her when I need it...it is like storing stuff on a computer and opening the file  by accident when you really eneded it the most.)  ( kinda chuckling and winking).
A lot of people have used my kindness through the years then turned me into their "keeper" or "worker" and have spewed awful words towards me when I do not do as they want me to do and I have stopped accepting that as my being, as my identity to them I guess that is ....because that was my role.
There are kind people out there, I just have to surround myself with them. This disease is the pits, but that is not an excuse but it is a fact that I must live with each day and night. People who are around me must accept that in me and I am tired of pretending I am ok....( something I learned to do over the years, prob why I always blamed myself for the past failed relationships).
This group brings up some good points and I truly appreciate the time and effort put forth, I hope I am able to do the same in the near future.

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