Twitching Anyone? | Arthritis Information


I have been having a lot of muscles in my legs twitching again, since the inflammation has increased. That is another way I know I am starting to have increased symptoms, other than the increased pain and swelling I can see!

I just am not sure why I have muscles that twitch? I am on Lyrica & Mirapex, shouldn't those be taking care of it? Or is it possibly from the inflammation pressing on something causing the twitching?
I also get the twitching in the bottom of my feet too.
It is not painful, just annoying.
Very common I hate it especially because I get wierd stuff from low bloodsugar and low potassium and it mimics that sort of and scars me. I do that when I have alot of swelling. Very annoying. Sorry you are having a hard time.Yeah... I normally have the twitching when I am swelled a lot in joints. But I had been doing well, and I had gotten use to it not twitching, and now it is twitching... which makes it even more annoying, because I have to re-learn to ignore it again.
That is the whole problem with this backsliding crap. I get use to things not being present or doing better to where I can do things, and then symptoms return me back to having to deal with things I had not had to deal with for a month. It is hard for me to get back to ignoring things, when they return. It is hard for me to get back into the swing of not doing well. I either try to continue like I am doing well, and get frustrated by not being able to do, or I just do not even attempt because I know a certain joint is not able to do it. Either way it just messes with me mentally.
Backsliding is the pits! Even more so when the pain gets worse and your pain meds do not do the trick.
joonie2009-07-17 09:32:09It wakes me up some times from a sound sleep. Well so does low bloodsugar so that makes me scarred when it wakes me up. I hate things that mimic other stuff and get me confused. The story of my life is it this or is it that. I am a multie symtom girl. So I go eat something just to be sure. I do sleep better on a full belly. LOLI twitch all the time. Mostly calves. Lately I have been getting some near my right knee and one of my stomach muscles has been going like crazy/ Been doing this since 2005Forgot to mention. BFS . Benign Fasiculation Syndrome. Probaly associated with auto immune go to
