bob_h76? You out there? | Arthritis Information


How are you doing? Is the Orencia helping you any? I hope it is helping just a wee bit.

Much hugs to you.
joonie2009-07-17 17:21:57

I don't think it's doing anything yet.  I go for the third dose on wednesday.  It would be nice if it would start to kick in and I could drop more on my prednisone dose but as it stands I'm still stuck on a yo-yo between 35 to 40mg daily.   And that doesn't provide a lot of relief but enough that I can function so I tolerate the side effects.    I'm with the RD now in thinking that remission might just be a pipe dream at this point and would just settle for some kind of relief. 

All of the drama going on here the last month or so has me avoiding the forum except to read some posts but that's about it.  I hate seeing people that are here for a common reason not able to get along but I'm an adult and realize that not everyone is going to like everyone else but I've become afraid of offending someone so I just keep my opinions to myself now.  (except for now that is)
How is remicade doing for you?  I think maybe it was helping me a little more than I may have thought but it still wasn't a huge difference.
Hey Bob, its good to hear from you!  I am sorry you are not doing as well as expected, but maybe it will just take a bit more time (hopefully!)  Don't give up;  there are new drugs coming and maybe you could discuss with your RD adding another DMARD.  On the "Combination Drug" thread, it discusses adding 2 and even three.  I know we hate adding more drugs, but if it brings some relief, it would be worth looking at the risk/benefit and thinking about it.

I have gotten a great deal of relief from my combo cocktail, but I would like more and want to discuss adding another DMARD or even trying low dose MTX and seeing if I still react to low doses.  

Maybe now that things have settled down, you will visit more often?  Welcome back!

hey bob!
sorry that the meds aren't cutting it just yet.....
Please hang in.... give it time.....  I have best wishes that you succeed!!
Good to hear from you- I was wondering where you've been!