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This time a revised statement from the American Academy of Dermatology


Individuals who regularly and properly practice sun protection may be at risk for vitamin D insufficiency and may require a higher dose of vitamin D, either from dietary sources or from supplements. Because of skin cancer risk from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, AAD does not recommend unprotected exposure to radiation from the sun or from indoor tanning devices.

"The vitamin D position statement supports the Academy's long-held conviction on safe ways to get this important vitamin — through a healthy diet which incorporates foods naturally rich in vitamin D, vitamin D-fortified foods and beverages, and vitamin D supplements," dermatologist and AAD president David M. Pariser, MD, FAAD, said in a news release.

"The updated recommendation for individuals who practice daily sun protection acknowledges that while protecting the skin from the damaging rays of the sun is important, so is maintaining adequate vitamin D levels," Dr. Pariser said. "Concern about vitamin D should not lead people to forego sun protection, but rather prompt a conversation with their physician about how to ensure adequate and safe vitamin D intake while guarding against skin cancer."

In addition to individuals who protect themselves from sun or other UV exposure by daily use of sunscreen on exposed skin or by wearing sun-protective clothing, others at risk for vitamin D insufficiency include elderly individuals or those who have dark skin, photosensitivity, obesity, or fat malabsorption. These at-risk individuals should consult their physician regarding options for ensuring adequate vitamin D levels through dietary intake or supplement use, and physicians should be equipped to advise them properly.[/quote]

Disclaimer: Yes, I am aware that WebMD does accept paid advertising, but nonetheless I offer the link for information and comparison. It is my considered opinion that as most of us are adults we are fully capable of being critical readers.
