doctor monday | Arthritis Information


so this monday... i get to see the rhuematologist guy

i dont like him, he's a big meanie
we tell him all the things that are going on
like how my teeth r extra sensitive now, more than before
and how i get bad headaches
and he dont do a thing about it, idk if he even pays attention
it seems like he doesnt care
this time he better lower my prednisone
or i'll be sad and that would be bad (hehehe i made a rhyme lol)
anyways i think im doing good
since last sunday i had NO pain at all... until last night then my foot hurt but its a lil better now
just think... i was so sick a few months ago and now im WAY better
in April, i had:
fevers for 3 weeks, going from 102 to even 105 at night
a weird rash
i could barely walk... at the hospital i needed my moms help, lol
i was havin liver problems
and my blood pressure was really high
there were other things of course, but those were the worst
did u know, when i got JRA in April, i also had a stomache virus at the same time and i couldnt eat anythin, i would always throw it up
at the hospital the throw up was red, and they almost thought it was blood, that wouldve been weird...
anyways mondays appointment better be good, i better be all fixed now and everythin should be normal... if not im still gonna go out to eat
i hope my mom'll be able to drive for 45 minutes...
Good luck with your Doctor's appointment on Monday Star! Be sure and update us!Good luck! Hope things keep getting better for you. I hate it when the doctor doesn't seem to care! You just want to scream at them. I once had a doctor who told me, "I've seen worse," after I explained all the pain and problems I was having. Ugh! If your doc's bedside manner doesn't improve on this next visit, maybe it's time to talk to your Mom about finding a new one. Hope you continue to be painfree and only get better. :)thnx ppl
and its not only my rhuemy
i think everyone at that hospital doesnt care too much
my rhuemy doesnt say anything about my side effects of the drugs
and ive been havin terrible headaches, he doesnt even do anything about
my endo (diabetes doctor) didnt even give me a meal plan, or say to go see a dietician or anything when she told me about steroid induced diabetes in May
i had a special eye doctor there, when i was stuck in the hospital 6 days in April, she checked for uvieitis (idk how to spell it lol) and she was gonna check for somethin the next day, but the next day i threw up there and couldnt do it. she never made me take the important test, so that didnt happen.
my lung doctor and cardiologist doctor, theyre both ok.
but the rest of them dont seem too concerned, and the WORST part is
when i have rheumy appts. then the doctor always has a student with him...
but thats what u get, when the yale medical school students learn stuff
lol, and theyre annoying
im sorta excited about my appt tommorow tho
