Hi. I'm new scared and confused | Arthritis Information


I was just diagnosed last week with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  It was being treated as a pinched nerve for the past few year's and I was given epidural's in my neck for it.

July 1   I had a knee replacement (second replacement, same knee first one was done in 2006)  After surgery I was all but bed ridden.  Nothing seemed to work from my hand's to my lower back and hip's down to my ankles.   The only mobile part I seemed to have had was the just replaced knee.
Bloodwork showed it was Rheumatoid Arthritis and am now on Mobic, Ultram and Prednisone to get the inflamation down.   I seem to be able to move around much better now but I don't know what to expect.  
Is medication lifelong now?  Will it just keep progressing,  I have so many question's and can't even think of them all right now.   I think I just need to hear from people that have what I have to see how they deal with it.  Would love to hear from anyone..
Thank you.
Welcome to AI Karen! I'm real sorry to hear about this. No doubt you are in a major flare; but rest assured things will get much better once they settle on an actual treatment program for you. The predisone is what's making the difference for you right now. Soon your doctor will likely start you on something like Methotrexate and (Maybe) something like Humira or Enbrel considering you seem so bad at this point.
At this point there is no cure for RA so that means yes; medication is life long to control the symptoms. RA isn't always as extreme as you are experiencing right now. Once they get this flare under control things will improve. Every case is different so there is no way for us to know....or even your doctors to know what direction your case will take. Try not to panic. I'm sure at this point your worried that you will only get worse from here. That's not really the case. ALthough RA is progressive; that doesn't really mean you will only get worse and worse and worse. Many with RA experience long periods of "remission" where our symptoms are much less and even in some cases none at all.
My best advise is: Research RA and it's treatments. Knowledge is power! Learn as much as you can right now. This is a life long condition and you'll want to assist your doctor with your treatment not just go along with everything blindly.
You hang in there. Things will get better and life with RA isn't nearly as bad as you may think at this point. It's hard to imagine that at this point where you are right now; but I promise....things will get better for you.
Again; Welcome to AI. We're glad you're here....but sorry you have to be.
Hi Karen.

I was diagnosed with Reiter's Syndrome a few years ago. At the time I could barely shuffle along by  taking 2cm steps, but now I have found the right medication I am back to work and living a fairly normal life.

Unfortunately medicine is a bit of trial and error, you just have to keep trying different things until you find something that works. It's the same with physio and changing things in your life (for example, getting a good chair and desk at the right height, learning the limits of your body etc.)

Things will get better, you just have to hang in there. You just have to be patient when trying medicine, because it usually takes a month or two for any side effects to die down and for it to start working, which is frustrating if you then find it's not suitable for you, but hang in there.
Thank you Lovie and you are right, I am in a panic and am worried I will get worse and not be able to take care of myself or my dog's.   It seem's the more I read about it the more scared I get.  It seem's to affect the organ's of the body and not just the joint's. 
Embarressed to admit but I'm a smoker.  Am trying to stop.  It sound's like there are lung issue's with RA.   
Thank you again for your response....
Thank you Mojo and I am so happy to hear you are feeling ok.  hey Karen.
Welcome.. and sorry you needed to search us out.
It's a conflicting disease.. one that we have to take seriously.... get a good group of physicians and follow their advice... 
I am feeling very good ....but it takes time to get there....
wishing you the best!!
Hello Karen
I have sent you a private message.

Hello Karen and welcome!  I, too, am sorry to hear of your diagnosis but glad you found us!  Lovie is 100% right on with knowledge is power!  Study up on your medication options so you can have a comprehensive discussion with your RD.  It is important to treat early RA aggressively!  This gives the best chance for remission and control and there are loads of medications and combinations of medications that can be used for control.
You are right about the smoking thing too... quit as soon as possible!  I know its hard, but it will be one of the best things you can do to prevent future problems with RA!  If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

Use the search engine on the forum for learning about drugs and treatment.  Most are linked to medical articles and there are loads of places to search for info on RA on the net.  Anyone here will be more than happy to help if they can in directing you to information... do be careful of spammers like Jeanine  and listen to your RD!  Don't take anything on the advice of others here or any where else without first discussing it with your RD!  You have to work together, being honest and up front about all supplements you take and all your bad habits too. 

Best of luck to you and I hope you get things under control soon! 

Welcome Karen. Wishing you the best of luck that you'll find the correct medicine and get back to being comfortable. Hello Karen,
I am so sorry that you have need of this board but welcome. We are all here for each other just remember that. I have had RA for almost 2 years now and probably had it longer just undiagnosed. I really can't add much more to the awesome advice and pointers  posted so  far. 
Wishing  you luck in finding  the right treatment that will work for you and help you get the RA under control as soon as possible.
Hi Karen and welcome to the forum.  Everyone has given you great advice.  If you start early treatment, get tight control of the disease then it's doubtful that you'll develop any of the complications of the disease.  What you're reading are the worst case scenarios related to RA.  Some of us have those complications because we were in denial, didn't follow our doctor's orders and were too fearful to start the meds.  The disease progressed and complications developed.  If you don't  let fear or denial affect your decision making I think you'll be ahead of the disease.  Take care and keep us posted.  Jeanine appears to be spamming all new individuals, so be cautious.  Lindy.Hello, Karen, and welcome!!   The pred should help push you out of the flare and I bet at your next appoinment your doc will discuss treatment options available. With early diagnosis, docs like to treat aggressively because it increases the chances for remission. We all want to achieve remission!! There is a lot of information available on the web and there's a wealth of information and experience here on AI. Welcome to the group!
Hope you have a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day! Hi Karen!  I am sorry you have this, too.  Everyone has given good advice.  Listen to what others suggest, but always discuss with your doctor first.  As far as your dog goes, I think you will be fine and able to take care of your dog.  I have a golden retriever and he likes to go on long walks.  When I am having a bad day then I take him on shorter walks or skip a day here and there.  However, I usually find that by walking first thing in the morning it helps with the stiffness in my hips.  Sometimes I am stiff for atleast a mile or 1.5 miles.....then things loosen up.  I'm not advising this, but even w hen my feet were so swollen and I couldn't do much else I walked him - very slowly.  It felt good mentally to get out of the house for just that.  Anyway, I wish you the best and things will eventually settle down for you.  Good luck.
Thank you everyone for your replies.   Last night was my first time out of the house on my own since this flare up.  I went to the Bingo hall and it felt good to have a little bit of normalcy back in my life and to be around other's.
One person did tell me I was walking like I just came out of a train wreck but I did just have my knee replaced on July 1 so I'm going to chalk it up to walking on my own without crutches on a healing knee.
 I find myself looking at everyone's finger's and hand's now to see if they are looking like mine are starting to look with them bump's at the joint's right behind the fingernail.  I wonder how bad that will get.
I go back to my Dr tomorrow afternoon and am anxious to find out what is next.   I will write again when I get home.     Thank you all again,  I appreciate your replies very much. 
wow.. in 20 days after knee replacement surgery you are walking to Bingo w/out support!!  That's Tremendous!!  Good for you, Karen!
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