Anyone else get this? | Arthritis Information


Started with a sore neck. Then the muscles in the back of my scalp. We are not talking tention headache here much worse. Then my entire head my face hurt my teeth hurt. So I took a muscle relaxer. Thank goodness for that. Suden onset chostochronditis and thoratic outlet syndrone. My chest muscles get so tight it makes my belly protude. I had about five tendons sticking out hard as a rock one of them was the one at the base of my head. This is not the first time this has happened. Usually it takes a little longer to take over my entire body. Well I had a two day break and whammy back at full throttle. Guess I will be sleeping for a few days. As my usual treatment for this is a raise in the muscle relaxers and prednisone.  On day six of antibiotics. If I am better I can raise the prednisone after I am done with the abx. So for now just the muscle relaxer and hopefully sweet dreams for Milly. This is the part of me the RD's do not exactly understand. It is a visable condition you can see the muscles swell and the tendons sticking out.Frustrating to say the least I have been doing this on and off for ten years. Thank goodness no- I have not had that. Hope you feel better soon. Milly, gosh this sounds awful!  I have something similar, a tightening in my chest on the right side that starts in the back and wraps around to the front.  I went to the ER once with it and was told it was just the muscles tightening... they gave me muscle relaxants and showed me how to lay flat on my back with a towel rolled up running down my spine.  This causes your chest to open up and shoulders drop to the floor, along with dropping your head back.  I lay in this position until the muscles relax.

But UGH!  The pain!!!  It takes about 5 to 10 min. to relax out and can come back quickly if I don't take it easy.  If I can catch it before it gets too bad, I can assume the position and beat it to the punch.

Yours sounds like it causes you much more trouble... I hope you can get it to ease soon!

Thanks Waddie I will give that a try. It certainly can not hurt. Maybe I will try the right side first and then the left side later. I have had this happening to my chest for years and even my neck. But my head that is crazy. I just can not have this happening to my head. It felt like somewhere inside at the tip top of my neck like there was some inflamation. I guess when you are in that much pain it can feel like alot of things. So I am going to call my nuerologist and see about a shot in my neck. It has been along time scince my MRI's of my spine and head maybe I will get some new ones. I am sure it is just the muscles rationally it would be. Rd thinks Remicaid will help. Still I guess it does not hurt to get some answers.