does it last forever? lol | Arthritis Information


so anyways im wondering

it doesnt seem like JRA goes away
i wonder...
my rhuemy sayd it did tho
he sayd by the time im 16 or so, than i'll be all better
BUT it doesnt feel like its gonna go away
altho u gotta admit, im doing better than in April
now i dont got a fever or rash
and my liver, heart and lungs r ok again
and since last sunday, ive had basically no pain
know what be cool, if it went away already
now that'd be awesome
but sadly, i doubt its gone away
maybe JRA ppl go into remission, like u RA ppl
idk, anyways didnt some of u have JRA when u were kids?
like, i think babs did. right? yeah, i thinks she did and some other ppl did too
Lots of folks here had JRA. I'm not sure when exactly they take the "j" out and it's just plain old RA. I know we have several adults here that still refer to it as JRA. Joonie is one of them if I'm not mistaken.
I think your doctor should have been a little more clear with you Star. From what I understand some folks with JRA do experience a long "remission" in their later teens but as they get older their symptoms return. Maybe that's not the case for all JRAers; but that's what the ones we hear from here say. Of course you don't see very many folks on these message boards that aren't having problems so I'm sure their out there....we just don't have them as part of this active group. They have no reason to seek the support of groups like this.....not anymore anyway.
Not saying it isn't possible.....just saying to say that your will be "All better"by the time your 16 seems odd for a doctor to tell you that. Do some research on your own. AND; think positive. You're still very young. Don't start thinking at this point that it's not possible. You might just be one of the ones it happens to.
We'll all be hoping for that for you kiddo.
yeah cuz i know lots of u ppl had JRA, like joonie
but im wondering, cuz i had an english teacher at school who had gotten married in April, and when i got back to school she was wondering what had exactly happened. so i told her and she sayd her husband had it when he was a kid too. his went away tho
so thats sorta why im wondering, but i heard, that i have the worst type of it, so maybe it wont go away, well i can always hope...
everyone with RA and JRA/JIA are different... we react differently to different medicines..and the progress of our disease is different too.
There are some kids w/ JRA who get rid of it completely..... and then there are those of us who do not....
I had JRA at age 10 to 13..... it become milder after 13 but never completely left me... when I was pregnant w/ my children.. I had NO symptoms.....
but.... they came back...... and for years I had moderate symptoms...

THEN.... WHAM!!!! It hit me hard... flaring and subject to all the worst it could throw at me...
That doesn't mean it will happen for you that way.... doesn't mean it will happen for any one..... but for me.. It did.
We are unique...  so are our symptoms.... so is our disease.
HOpe for the best, Star... do what you should according to your RD.. and I hope your story is better than mine.
Star, there use to be a man in here who had JRA.  He took care of the Jra board on here, they nicked named him the iron man, because he had so many joints replaced.  He had it bad.  That was years ago.  They have came a long ways since, new treatments.  Just like RA, If it can be control, less damage,  and you can go into remisson and sometimes it never comes back.  Be sure you listen to your doctor, He knows best.   Hope he lowers you pred.  and you have a good day. thnx for answering my question (idk if it was a question, or what tho lol)
im sorta nervous, since i go to the doctor in like less than 3 hours
he better lower the pred
the only thing he's worried about is if i get fevers again
that would be BAD
the only time i hurt is in the morning now
and its not like painful, its like sore and achey
like my arm feels like its gonna fall off
so thats alot better than before, idk what lowerin the pred would make me feel like tho
whenever he lowers it, i usually hurt a few days afterward
[QUOTE=StarPerson121] but then if i only use lol when i really laugh
that would be almost NEVER
its sorta a habit for me, actually
whenever i talk about anything, i say lol
it gets used alot
sorrie if u dont like it tho
[QUOTE=StarPerson121] fine i'll try to not use it when im on here
[QUOTE=Spelunker] [QUOTE=StarPerson121]
its sorta a habit for me, actually
whenever i talk about anything, i say lol
it gets used alot
sorrie if u dont like it tho

You seem to overuse lol rather than simply use it a "alot". Overuse of any sentiment, statement or internet slang renders the term ineffectual.

It is not that I do not like the term or the sentiment, rather it seems to turn everything you speak of into a joke, and not a humorous joke at that.

Better to never use lol than to constantly and inappropriately use it. Habits can be broken and to be taken seriously the constant employment of lol should be reconsidered.
I agree with you 100% Shug!  Everything is LOL!  I have pain, lol, my blood sugar is 220 lol, it is tiring and honestly I do not even believe him anymore!  I think he is just on here because he is bored.  His Mom needs to be more involved in his life and not let him eat carbs when he shouldnt just because he is a teen. 
And Star JRA CAN last forever if you dont take care of yourself!  And there is NO LOL in that!!  Believe me!
Awww. I'm feeling bad for Star. He is just acting like a 14 year old. I see he tried to go on the JRA forum where he probably belongs but it's not active at all. It also seems like only some adults went there and responded to him. No young ones around. He is bored, doesn't anyone here feel like they are alone with this disease sometimes and need to be here just to know there are others like you out there. Haven't any of you lost friends because you just aren't up to doing the things everyone is still doing? Haven't you ever had time periods when your RA  pain symptoms change from hour to hour to the point of making you wonder if you are crazy? No one here has eaten things that aren't good for you? No one has ever heard good advice yet hasn't taken it for whatever reason?  Sometimes you need to hear it over and over again before you can come to terms with it for yourself. I for one am a famous one for that if you want to talk the subject of biologics. I bet everyone is tired of me too. He really doesn't go into the other threads we discuss things in and talk nonsense or spew LOL there.  I'm sorry- I just had to say something- I know this probably is bothering me more than Star- I admire the way he lets thing roll of his back like a duck does water.I have to agree. He's a 14 yr old boy. Does he use it too much? Is it annoying? Yes. But he's just being himself, we should accept each other where we're at. Star, thank you for making an effort to change. It takes broad shoulders to not let critisim hurt your feelings. [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Awww. I'm feeling bad for Star. He is just acting like a 14 year old. I see he tried to go on the JRA forum where he probably belongs but it's not active at all. It also seems like only some adults went there and responded to him. No young ones around. He is bored, doesn't anyone here feel like they are alone with this disease sometimes and need to be here just to know there are others like you out there. Haven't any of you lost friends because you just aren't up to doing the things everyone is still doing? Haven't you ever had time periods when your RA  pain symptoms change from hour to hour to the point of making you wonder if you are crazy? No one here has eaten things that aren't good for you? No one has ever heard good advice yet hasn't taken it for whatever reason?  Sometimes you need to hear it over and over again before you can come to terms with it for yourself. I for one am a famous one for that if you want to talk the subject of biologics. I bet everyone is tired of me too. He really doesn't go into the other threads we discuss things in and talk nonsense or spew LOL there.  I'm sorry- I just had to say something- I know this probably is bothering me more than Star- I admire the way he lets thing roll of his back like a duck does water.[/QUOTE]
Totally agree with u wanttobeRAfree
If I were to read a post or something in a post that I found annoying, I'd just not reply.  No sense in hurting someone's feelings. 
