humira used to work for me :( | Arthritis Information


hey,  ive had psoriatic arthritis for around 5 years now. ive got it all over my body, feet, knees, hips, back, hands, shoulders.  at any rate. a year ago i was on humira for several months.  by the second day of the first injection it was amazing. after the first week i felt 100%, NO pain at all.  unfortunatly i developed a kidney stone which  4 doctors i went to told me it was IBS, or they didnt know what was wrong.  since the pain was so bad at times, and it seemed no one would help me, i stopped taking the humira assuming that was responsible. was finally diagnosed with the stone after 4 months.  after the stone was removed, i started the humira again, by the 2nd day started to feel great again.  by the third day the pain started comming back, within a week i was back on my aleve.  we tried it for 4 months. absolutely no effect :(.  

i would assume i developed antibodies that attack the humira.   ive been totally off of it now for a few months.   is there any point in trying it again?  or anyting i should do while taking it?
   the rheumatologist had recommended taking methotrexate with it, but i cant help but feel like i should just give up on all of it.  its kind of depressing to have something that was a miracle drug taken away.   Ive been on so many differnt treatments, always getting my hopes up just to be let down again.    I am wondering if hes right tho.. if the methotrexate would let the humira work again.

any responses welcome
I'm switching from Enbrel after many years of great results, to Humira.   That's a different story than yours, but what my rheumatologist told me is that my body had built up antibodies to the Enbrel.  I needed to try another biologic and perhaps go on infusions, and if those didn't work, after being off my preferred biologic for a time, it might "fool" my RA again.

Perhaps you can take Humira again in the future, but ask your rheumie about trying something different.
I'm taking Rituxan infusions now, for about 2 years and they have been helping me.  I used to take Humira, Remicade, Enbrel but they all stopped working for me after awhile.  I can't take Methotrexate because I had a weird side effect to it.  It did take Humira and Enbrel awhile to kick in for me.  Good luck with it!!!  