orbital cellulitis | Arthritis Information


Do not know how I missed this one. I have not been doing much primping. I wear classes. Making excuses as to how I missed this one. So I went to the mirror to look at my eye. Lots of swelling. If not for the blurred vision and the fact that I am on antibiotics I would think the preseathal cellulitis because I think Sjorgrens could cause that. Well I guess you are supposed to spend a few days on IV abx for this. Then get sent home and take abx by pills. Reason because infection can spred to the brain and spinal cord. I have been on Cipro scince last Monday. So anyway I will go get it checked out because I have the mother of all headaches and very swollen eye lid to say the least. Sent my boyfriend to the store today. Did not even want to get out of my PJ's. I was thinking maybe I had MS but then I saw my eye and changed my googles in a different direction. So do I go to the eye doctor or what? Well I am going to bed and will see what I can find out tomorrow. Guess I will call my eye doctor and ask her. Oh I will be alright. I do not think I have menningitis the lights are not bothering me. I will certainly do my best to prevent getting it.Milly~I had to google that because I had no idea what that was. What I saw is very scary looking.

I'm not sure I totally understand your post. Have you seen a doctor about this eye thing? Is that why you are on the antibiotics? Or are you on them for something else?
I'd definately get to the doctor if you aren't already receiving treatment for this. Hope you feel better soon.
Let us know how you are.
As you are being treated for a bladder infection, an ear infection, and sinusitis and are now experiencing what you have called orbital cellulitis, it would seem, at least from where I sit that Cipro is not adequately treating your sinusitis and/or ear infection.

Milly, with all the physical problems you have described these past few weeks, a lack of diagnosis and thus no adequate treatment along with the pain you have previously described I wonder if you would not benefit from biofeedback.

Biofeedback is certainly no cure, but it has been my experience that with the several techniques available, some small degree of control over such incapacitating physical symptoms can be had.

Additionally, meditation and guided imagery might, just might, provide a moment of respite for you.

Best wishes for a resolution of all your difficulties, Shug

Milly, how are you this morning? I am so very sorry you are being bombarded first with a lack of diagnosis and adequate treatment and now such horrible pain. I send my best wishes for a rapid improvement.
Yikes Milly- please see the doctor!  Let us know how you aredang milly - you can't seem to catch a break! Definitely go see the doc. Milly, I add my ayes to everything all have said!  Sounds like this has gone on long enough and you are still feeling rotten so back to the PCP and maybe the OD and I agree with Shug, biofeedback may help too!

Looking for signs and symptoms on the internet may help you gather information, but don't depend on it for a diagnosis.

I hope you find the answers to your prayers, Milly, and feel better soon!

waddie2009-07-20 09:43:56
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