morning pain | Arthritis Information


well u know how i dont hurt much anymore

well i do hurt sometimes
in the MORNING
every morning i hurt, like my arms and legs r so sore
and after a while, it doesnt hurt anymore
do u think its cuz when u sleep, then u stay still all night and get stiff or somethin
or is it weird that i hurt only in the morning
do u ppl have more pain when u wake up/ or during the morning?
Yes! Lots of morning pain and stiffness. It's fairly typical of arthritis though. Stretching helps.

I am sorry I find it hard to believe what you say. First before your b'day you were hurting really bad then using the stationary bike you said you over did and was husting etc the the last 2 posts I have read say I havent been hurting for weeks. True child who cant make up their mind I think looking for a little attention star? There are better ways to get it like asking how people are doing etc or at least be consistent with the I am hurting ... I dont hurt.  Sorry I had to write this I know he is just a child but it has been grating my nerves


I know what you mean doobgirl, it grates on my nerves too because he doesnt listen to anything you say and it seems like his Mom is not keeping control of what he does at all, he is not supposed to eat carbs and eats TONS of them, I for one am not going to give him anymore advice, I agree, he is bored and comes here instead of doing things that are appropriate for his age!yes, Star.
the discomfort I have is mostly in the a.m.. when I first get up.. but it's not so bad anymore with the way my meds are working for me....
so you need to continue to do what your RD says.....and eat well,, exercise in moderation!! and take care of yourself....
side note:  I've seen others who have done the same things as Star with pain and posting but I dont' see chastisement of them?  If you don't want to read his threads and reply --then don't..  He needs support as well or perhaps more than many.
(ETA:  do any of you have teens?  They are notorious for not listening.. or at least appearing that they don't..... they are hearing every word! ;) )
babs102009-07-21 04:00:12oh ok, so stretching helps
thats good to keep in  mind, also ur supposed to stretch before u exercise, right?
so u dont do any damage to ur muscles or joints and stuff, right?
cuz TODAY is the day, im barely gonna eat (actually eat normal amounts, but compared to what ive been eatin, im gonna feel like im starving, I WAS EATING TOO MUCH)
and im gonna exercise ALOT, at least a few hours, NOT AT THE SAME TIME THO, some in the morning, some in the afternoon. it seems easier that way.
this better work, do u think i can lose 5 pounds a week??? cuz thats what i need to do, if i wanna be my old weight by school time.
That sounds like a good plan. Drink lots of water too. Helps with losing weight and pretty much everything else.

Yes, morning is the worst for pain till things "work out" through moving around. I've been exercising as usual (treadmill, bike) and skipping the stretching exercises, and my hips have been bothering me again. I hate doing the stretches because they're too slow and boring, but they obviously help so I had better force myself.

Babs, obviously you are familiar with teens, I had a couple myself. They are selectively deaf.oh that was my idea too
when i was tryin to go back to sleep. i was thinkin
and i decided to drink alot of water today too
anyways u should drink water after u exercise, to replace it
thats what my mom says
[QUOTE=babs10]yes, Star.
the discomfort I have is mostly in the a.m.. when I first get up.. but it's not so bad anymore with the way my meds are working for me....
so you need to continue to do what your RD says.....and eat well,, exercise in moderation!! and take care of yourself....
side note:  I've seen others who have done the same things as Star with pain and posting but I dont' see chastisement of them?  If you don't want to read his threads and reply --then don't..  He needs support as well or perhaps more than many.
(ETA:  do any of you have teens?  They are notorious for not listening.. or at least appearing that they don't..... they are hearing every word! ;) )
I too Have 3 sons 22, 20 and 16 so I do know how they do not quite listen all the time. Thats not what bothers me he says one thing and then 3 days later itslike a whole differant story
I mean my god 417 posts since june 15th and it just july 21st I have no problem what so ever with him posting, asking for advice, not listening ,listening etc Its just each time he does you get a differant story on how he felt for the past month
 I understand that some kids dont have many friends. My sons did not run around a lot they stayed home most the time. And I would love nothing more then to talk with star about anything- video games etc if he needs company. But I never know what to say because one minute this is happening and then another its not happening and another thing is going on. Just be truthfull star! If it happens it does and if not it doesnt. I will chat with you here anytime you want. and I am not by far trying to be rude ... just find so way to get the story straight so I know what to say and I am not reading and talking in circles
Got two teens myself. I know teens.
Star; morning stiffness & some pain first thing upon rising is classic RA. It's normal and likely burns off after you've been up moving around for a little while. Hot shower helps too. The key is.....get moving.
5lbs a week is TOO MUCH for you Star. I'm a member at www.sparkpeople .com check it out. It will give you some ideas about what to eat and help you get on a healthy weight loss program if that is indeed what you want to do. Not eating will not help you. Eat often and eat the right thing. sparkpeople lets you enter your stats and it will guide you through the things you need to do to lose the weight. They even have special groups for diabetics that could help you get on track.
Good Luck.
[QUOTE=babs10]yes, Star. [/QUOTE]

Yes, but that's why teens require guidance from the adults in their lives.   When my stepbrother came down with brittle type-1 diabetes at age 12, luckily my parents didn't baby him.  He quickly learned all he could about his disease, its treatment and consequences of ignoring treatment advice.  He was not allowed to throw away medications because he disliked needles or large pills.  He was not allowed to eat massive amounts of crap because he was "just a teen." 
[QUOTE=Lovie]Got two teens myself. I know teens.
Star; morning stiffness & some pain first thing upon rising is classic RA. It's normal and likely burns off after you've been up moving around for a little while. Hot shower helps too. The key is.....get moving.
5lbs a week is TOO MUCH for you Star. I'm a member at www.sparkpeople .com check it out. It will give you some ideas about what to eat and help you get on a healthy weight loss program if that is indeed what you want to do. Not eating will not help you. Eat often and eat the right thing. sparkpeople lets you enter your stats and it will guide you through the things you need to do to lose the weight. They even have special groups for diabetics that could help you get on track.
Good Luck.
oh lovie, last night i was doing stuff, googling good ways to lose weight and all that kinda stuff and i heard about, now that u mentioned it aswell, i think i'll check it out. seems like a good idea.
also, i found a nice binder in my closet and it had a ton of paper in it. so my mom and me bought some dividers, to split it into sections, and now its my diet/weightloss binder.
good idea right? i have a section to list all the foods and calories i eat for the day, a section to write what exercise i do and how long i do it for
a section (this was my moms idea) to write how much sleep i get every night
a section to write my progress, such as how much i weigh and lost and stuff like that
and lastly (my idea) a diary type section where i'll write how i think the day went, food/nutritionwise
so, i think the binder was a good idea, and i'll check out that website u mentioned
If you join at Sparks you can track all of that on that site. You enter your food and exercise for the day and it will give you feed back as well as track it long term. You can look back at your progress over the course of a week...month or whatever. It's real handy; and yes, tracking is a great tool. Seeing it in front of you really helps you realize how many calories are in things as simple as a soda or even an apple for that matter. I belong to Spark too. Lots of great info and things you can participate in there.ooh so i did it
i joined sparks
i decided to join the teen's part of the website (obviously, lol)
and know whats mean. for ur weight loss goal thingy
it says u can only lose 1 pound a week, SO unfair
i would wanna lose atleast 2 pounds a week, but whatever
at least im hopefully gonna lose some now
im doing good today, i did about an hour on the stationary bike this morning
and im gonna go again at 2:30
It's really just giving you guide lines for long term weight loss. You can lose more.....but they don't recommend expecting more than that.
Glad you joined. It will be a good tool for you as you learn more about nutrition and fitness.