Therapeutic options for RA | Arthritis Information


Feely MG et al. – A systematic literature review through PubMed reports that progress made in the rheumatoid arthritis therapeutic arena in the last 15 years has been dramatic. Several key points deserve emphasis to optimize treatment:

Despite all the progress, many important questions still remain. Trials are needed to include several active therapies that test strategies and are not just head-to-head comparisons that collect biological material in parallel with clinical results and that also collect economic data.

Lynn492009-07-21 09:35:12A systematic literature review through PubMed reports that progress made in the rheumatoid arthritis therapeutic arena in the last 15 years has been dramatic. Several key points deserve emphasis to optimize treatment:

Lynn492009-07-21 09:35:27I VOTE for getting those questions answered now rather than later. There seems to be some 'new' therapies coming down the pike (so to speak). Those options just cannot happen to soon for the many people who suffer the ravages of chronic autoimmune dysfunctions.

NOW, not later!
