Question for people with Sjogren's | Arthritis Information


They make a dry mouth spray I mentioned on another thread that I use. It's called oasis. I keep it beside my bed and use it right before bed and also use it if I wake up during the night. I've found it very helpful. Look for it at the drug store. It's worth a try.Indeed. If it's just an annoying problem I'd definately try the spray first. It works well for me but I've heard others say it was useless. Guess it depends on how bad your problem is. I think I have less problems upon waking if I use it before turning out the light and then again upon waking if nessesary.

I have that teeth sticking to my lips thing going on too and hate it! I started buying the spray because it was drying my throat too. Not much problems with that lately.
I bought some of the biotene gum yesterday....but it's not really worth the money. I'll just stick to sugerless gum.Hey Snow, I have that Sahara feeling in the mouth in the wee hours also!  I think I will try the oasis, that sounds like it may work.  Thanks Lovie!  IDK about the Evoxac, I had not heard of it until now but did do Rx list (of course)... I couldn't get past the excessive sweating part!  (I am already so miserable with hot flashes!!!

Sorry you're suffering w/ this too, Snow.

I have a script for Salagen.. which I take most mornings.. but not the 3x a day prescribed because it will make me have to get up and urinate at least once each night.. Not good to disturb sleep.
So, I keep a bottle of water at my bedside as well.... I drink ALOT of water!  mostly sipping so as not to drink too much..(is that even possible? to drink too much water?) My eyes seem to be a bigger issue w/ the dryness... I do take Restasis... and eye drops recommended by the Optha...... AND I use some gel tears and eye goggles to sleep (I SWEAR that works so well)
Aw, Snow, you are interesting to me!  And, I don't believe, should we ever meet face to face, that I could possibly find anything remotely yucky about you!  I am glad you shared it because I learn something new.  Have you tried that powder foundation?  I use it not only on my face, but also my arms, especially when I am going out somewhere nice.  I have sun spots, (my grandma used to call them liver spots) on my hands and arms... UG-LY is what they are to me, and while it doesn't completely make them go away, it sure lessens their appearance!  It is also light, easy to apply and pretty long lasting (though it washes off with soap and water). 

I also have secondary Sjogren's, and I am using Evoxac. It works great for me. No side effects that I have noticed, and it really helps with the dry mouth; especially at night. My mouth would dry out so bad at night that in the mornings, it would feel like I couldn't unglue my tongue from the top of my mouth; my throat would be raw, and my mouth would burn - like what little saliva I had was acid or something. I found effective and immediate results with the Evoxac. I also use Restasis for my eyes.
Hope you get the same good results. Let me know how it goes!
Flower Mama
