Update on my Appt. | Arthritis Information


Thank you everyone for all the replies to my first post about my Diagnosis.   I went to the Dr yesterday and I felt pretty good.

I stay on 1 prednisone in the morning and one at night
1 mobic in the morning and one at night
and 1 Sulfasalazine 500mg once a day for a week then 2 a day for the next week then another appt.
I asked him how bad my condition was and he said he did'nt know because he has to see the titer's.   Does this make sense?
IDK about titers..   I have no blood markers... my dr assesses me by inflammation and my issues.
glad you feel good about your appointment.. that is very important.!!!
Thank you babs.  I think I am starting to accept it now and reading all your post's and replies is telling me that I was planning the absolute worse for myself before joining this forum.  I have some hope now...Glad you have some hope now.

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