Medical wallet card with USB data | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, nothing new to report with Simponi (been in a bad flare last couple days actually), but I bought this new medical wallet card a friend told me about and it's really cool.

It's the size of a credit card, but it has a USB memory stick built in so it plugs right into the computer.  When you plug it in, the screen opens up to fill in your information (and you can update it anytime).  But it's not just your medical info, you can include your family's medical info, family and doctor contact info, insurance info, your medical history, living will, your records, your photo, you can even put lab results, x-rays and MRI images on it.  So in an emergency, the hospital will just plug it into their computer and all your information is there.  Of course I still have a printed card with the basics in case there's no computer around (like an ambulance), but there's no way I could keep all the detailed stuff in my wallet without a memory card like this. 
Since the information is stored on your card, you don't have to pay an on-going fee or anything.  If anyone's interested in getting one, check out (use promo code BS100 to get the discount).
Sorry to hear you are flaring. Hope you feel better soon.
That's really cool but so sorry the Simponi doesn't have you comfortable! that's very cool, InnerGlow!!
Hope that the meds start working for you!!!

It is so amazing what technology can do these days!  That is one cool card.  .00 isn't bad either.  It says you get one free year when you register, but how much is it for the following years?

I hope your flare ends soon!



Many (most?) hospital informatics systems at this point will not allow users (i.e. nurses, doctors, etc) to use an external storage device such as this.  It's a huge security risk. Jasmine is right...I work in a hospital, and all of the computers have a block on the USB port for security reasons and virus protection.

Sorry you're in a flair right now...I'm hurting pretty bad also. It's been well over a month since I had my last Orencia infusion, and my second Simponi injection isn't due until Saturday. It's still too early to tell if it's going to do the job, but I remain hopeful! Brisen2009-07-22 19:36:14I've worked on many of the hospital and pharmacy informatics systems.  You would not believe the virus infestations and security breaches that a simple USB device can cause.  In addition, in many facilities you cannot access the internet from the secure hospital system computers, again for security purposes.  A virus infection on a computer able to access the hospital informatics system can potentially expose confidential patient information to the WWW; a bit of malicious code on a USB dongle can copy data or introduce worms, viruses, etc into the hospital network.  It's not a pretty sight when a pharmacy or hospital computer system is compromised or rendered unusable because Dr. Thinks-he's-a-geek decides to ignore information security protocol.  And it's REALLY not pretty when my co-workers and I had to drop everything, hop on a plane and deal with the problems. I recently had the opportunity to inquire of this system and was advised much as Jas already depends on the individual facility and their ability to access the information contained in the device.

The five different hospitals that I am currently "dealing" with do not endorse the system. However, as on-line record keeping progresses that certainly may change.

I was advised to save my $$ and keep a current record of my diagnosis, meds, etc..

It seems like such a good idea...
Gale and Suzanne, I'm following your Simponi stories closely because I may be starting it in several weeks.  My old RD only had one patient using it and that patient wasn't on it long enough to make a difference.  How long did your RDs say it would be until you notice a decrease in symptoms?  I hope it soon starts working for both of you.  Lindy
Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread.