Anyone kknow a good Rummy in NH/Boston? | Arthritis Information


Anyone know a good Rummy in NH/Boston?

I'm not happy with the guy I have been seeing. He doesn't listen or give feedback and forget explaining about side effects. I have actually left his office in tears the last 2 visits.
So I am looking for someone who will actually work with me throught this mess. (I've had RA since I was a kid though pretty much in remission up until a hear ago).

I am sooooo hoping one of y'all can recommend someone. Its so hard to find someone compassionate!

Thanks, Ellie

Hi! Welcome to the board!

I have no idea of one, but thought you might benefit from the Directory of Rheumatologist in the USA. It is not a complete list of all the Rhuemmy's but its a start!
Good Luck!
joonie2009-07-27 10:23:58Boston has some of the best hospitals in the world - I would look there for help.