IBS, new to Enbrel coming of MTX and sulfasalazine | Arthritis Information


I'm 29 and have PA.

The P and A crept up on my in my early 20s. I also have had IBS type problems (usually gut pain in the centre, just below the ribs, not constipated, occasional vomiting. Some relief from defecation). About 3 years ago I began MTX and sulfasalazine. I worked up to 25 mg/wk MTX sub cut and 2g/day sulfasalazine.

During this time the IBS problems persisted and I had blood tests for coeliac disease (negative) and a colonoscopy for ulcerative colitis or Crohn's (negative). Over time these problems subsided and became rare although I did notice I developed (or noticed) a sensitivity to eggs (if i had maybe 2-3) and peanuts (if i ate more than 20g or so) so avoided these foods. The P and A were mostly ok, with some patches and some soreness in knees and wrists in particular.

Anyway I moved to the US from the UK and as I have quite good insurance I could get Enbrel (though I was refused Humira) . The Doc (dermatologist) believed this might help get the last "10%" of the problem. He advised stopping sulfasalazine immediately and wean off the MTX (2 weeks at 1/2 dose, two weeks at 1/4) and beginning Enbrel immediately 50mg twice a week. I have now been going about 6 weeks. The P and A seem ok, no great change either way, but the IBS has returned. Additionally I find if I eat walnuts this seems to be a trigger. I called the Doc and got  a reply the next day saying that basically this was a primary care issue not his and don't want to go back to them as they don't seem very knowledgeable, at least I want to know what to ask them for once I get there. I am changing primary doctor but have to wait a month for the 1st appointment, bah! Any suggestions? Anyone had this happen? Any good remedies or tricks?

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