Stomach aches and Sore throats all the time | Arthritis Information


My daughter was diagnosed at just 14 months old with JRA.  I thought everything was getting better until 6 months ago.  I realized that my daughters picky eating was actually Acid Reflux.  Now that she can communicate better she is able to tell me how she feels.  And I am supposed to be able to fix it right?  I don't have the answers to this one.  She is at the beginning of a flare and needs to take the NSAID, but when I give it to her she gets so sick to her tummy that she just lays there and crys or throws up.  I finally got a referral to a GI Doctor but I have to wait 2 more months.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  I need some advice, ideas anything please help?

Hi Michelle, I have no experience and certainly no advice, but wanted to say hello to you and offer my very best wishes for a resolution to you daughters difficulties and your troubled mind.

How is she doing; how are you doing?

With empathy, Shug
My 4 years old daughter takes Naproxin, Methotraxate and Leflunomide. I make her drink a glass full of milk right after she take Naproxin. Sometimes I add a little bit of honey and she likes it. She does get tummy ache, but most of the time it goes away within few minutes.

I have had tummy problems forever. Find they were worse when I was constipated or did not eat with my medicines.  I had reflux from an early age with arthritis from meds.  Try to elevate her bed.  It actually is about the best thing that I have found to ease my symptoms.  Good luck to you and your baby );
I was 3 when diagnosed
I know from experience that Mona vie will help. People take it that suffer from Acid reflex.  I have RA but after 15 yrs I am in remission because of this drink.  My son who is 8 I think shows signs of it too.  He couldn't go up stairs in the morning now he drinks it and is fine.  If u want to learn more about this product e-mail me  It is amazing.  After about 1 month on it i felt better then 4 months into it Im now off all meds and a new person.  Id love to help. REFREE, how can you prey on people in such desperate need? You should be ashamed of yourself. Its obvious you don't want to help. You're just looking to sell something. The people on this thread are kids and parents that want to help their kids. I hope you don't hurt people by making them think this drink will help them more than their no attention to "drinks that cure" -- it's a scam. Your daughter's rheumatologist is the best person to advise you of a medication course to follow. It is not unusual to have stomach upsets with JRA - If you don't think the rheumatologist is doing the job for your daughter, get a second opinion.