Right flank pain - kidney perhaps? | Arthritis Information


After three days of just dealing, I finally gave in and went to urgent care to figure out why my back is driving me nuts. It's so uncomfortable that I woke up several times throughout the night last night feeling pain and nausea and dizziness and that not so nice clammy skin feeling. So anyways, it's not my back, per se, but the area underneath, like my kidney perhaps? The doc felt me up and poked the hurting area from different directions and then had me pee in a cup. UA came back normal. Seeings how I did not injure myself, we're going to assume I have a kidney infection. I asked if they could possible be stones and he said we'd have to xray for that. ............ Yeah, didn't get an xray (WHY?? I do not know!), but I did get an rx for cipro. If it gets worse I am to return to the ER immediately.

I'm just wondering if RA can cause inflammation of your kidneys or if any of you have expereinced this type of situation.
Falling apart piece by piece in Cali,
Still hoping you're all doing superfantastic
and having extra-comfortable days,
Little Mel
PS - I could probably walk into an ER holding my own severed arm and my blood pressure would still come back 90/60.  It was 118/68 today, that's high for me!
Little Mel sorry you aren't feeling well. I do happen to have some experience with kidneys, I have IgA nephropathy, a type of kidney disease. A couple years before I was diagnosed I had severe kidney pain that went away and didn't return until much later. The main thing is that a lot of kidney diseases are autoimmune diseases, and from what. I've been told once you have one it's more than likely you'll get more. Your blood pressure and your kidneys are very closely related so be careful about that. It really could be just an infection but if the cipro doesn't work have them check for diseases. I had to have a biopsy(not fun) to finally figure out my diagnoses. Maybe Shug can give some advice, she's wise about kidneys, and lots of other stuff!:)
take care and rest!!I have a lot of pain in that area too Mel. I have some disk problems too so it's hard to tell what's going on when with me; but I'm always paranoid about my kidney's. I've taken so much crap over the years so kidney damage has always been in the back of my mind. My father's side of the family has suffered from kidney stones in the past so every time I get pain in that area I start worrying.
I've had bladder infections in the past too where my OB suspected Kidney stones but nothing has ever developed. Everyone I've ever known that's had kidney stones will assure you that if you have a stone you'll know it. It's not the type of pain you can ignore and it's an emergency type situation. I guess if their small enough you wouldn't, but I don't know.
My last kidney function test with my RD came back elevated but he acted as if it wasn't a big deal. I might have been dehydrated or something. We just retested last week so we're waiting too see what the results of that will be.
If I was you I'd go see your regular doctor. The ER is going to treat you on site and then send you away. They will not help you get to the bottom of what's going on.
Allymom: Do you have pain with iga disease? I don't know anything about that. I'll do a google search; but I was curious as to your experience. How do they treat that? At what level do your kidney's function? Or does that effect your kidney function?
I do have pain occasionaly but my nephrologist thinks that it's actually my back. I disagree with him. I was diagnosed right after I had my daughter, during my pregnancy the protein in my urine was elevated, my ob had her husband (who is now my nephrologist) look at my test and he thought it was normal for how far along I was. The protein did not go away and ended up getting worse. Over the course of about a year my kidneys also started dropping blood , I had a biopsy done and viola IgA. No one in my family has any of my kind of problems, I choose to remember God has his plans. I take cozaar and lisinopril, and the Enbrel seems to be helping too. My function is pretty good, not perfect but okay. I get my newest results back soon and will let you know those. One thing my doc just told me was to not let anybody take blood from the crook of my arm, as this is where they would do dialysis, scarrry! My favorite saying is Man plans, God laughs. Pretty much sums up my life! Thanks for listening, sorry I rambled.

I also have pain in that area.  My dr. is convinced that it is inflammation around the lower ribs.  Would make sense since every other rib is imflammed.....


Co Mel...how are you feeling today?

I feel like crap. I am so uncomfortable, in pain and exhausted.
I called my primary early this morning and they had me come into the office even though they were booked. I had bloodwork and abdominal and renal ultrasounds done. Needless to say, it's been a long day. I've been at doctor's offices all day long and DH had to miss yet another day of work due to my poor health.
The ultrasound lady did a lot of hmms and asked me if I had traveled outside of the US recently. Sure, on my private yacht of course. Negative.
There was some white looking mass near the lining of my liver?? I asked if that was supposed to be there and she mumbled something. I asked again and she said, "we'll have to see...."
Then when she was moving the thingy near my bottom ribs she hit something that hurt like hell. So painful I nearly jumped off the table.
So I don't know what is going on. After the tech read the results, the lady told me they called my PCP and I needed to schedule an appointment with him. I asked if I needed an appointment this week? Next week? She said to call as soon as possible. Today, tomorrow morning. Do not wait.
Way to scare the heck out of someone.
I called my PCP and they instructed me to call immediately in the morning if I still feel the same. I'm guessing whatever was found in the ultrasound can't be bad if they didn't tell me anything and they're waiting to see how I feel tomorrow.
So other than feeling completely miserable for myself and thinking I'm a terrible wife for being ill, and thinking I'm a terrible mother for being ill.... I guess I'm golden. hahaha  I know I'm not terrible. I'm just sick of being SICK.

Oh, yeah.... sorry... the pain in my back/kidney?? is still there. It's wrapping around from the original spot towards my frontside. That's why I had renal and abdominal ulstrasounds.

I am sorry, mel. I hope you feel better soon.
Much and many hugs to you.
I get pretty bad back pain. I still can usually tell the difference between back pain and kidney pain. It is deeper and tends to throb. When I get a bad infection I think I can even feel the tubes throbbing. I often wonder how they can tell the difference between a bladder infection a UTI and a kidney infection from a urin sample? I can of course tell from the pain usually but that is probably when it is far enough advanced to make me miserable. Once they told me I had a kidney infection and the only pain I had been experiencing was in my upper thighs. Hope you feel better soon.Holy Cow Mel; That doesn't sound good. Let us know when you talk to your PCP and make sure you insist on knowing what they saw on the scans. Your paying for them.....you deserve to know the details.
Does a heating pad help at all? Pain meds? Muscle relaxers?
Mel! I am so sorry that I have not responded sooner offering you my empathy, best wishes, and a CHEER to speed you on your way to feeling better.

California has not necessarily been kind to you...has your problem with your wrist been resolved or are you still battling that disabling pain as well as this?!


Went to my PCP this morning. The ultrasounds on the right side showed.... nothing. On the LEFT side, I have an ovarian cyst. (Bonus!) The bloodwork showed... mostly nothing. My WBC is actually a little on the low side. I explained how the pain in my back is still there but the pain in the front is trumping that. More bloodwork was done - some test that sounded like "helicopter." They're checking to see if I have some weird bacteria raging in my gut. I've been taken off the naproxen (called RD, left msg) and I'm taking a med called ranitidine. My PCP suspects the pain may be from an ulcer? Who knows. At this point all I know is that I want the pain gone. Oh, I also stopped the cipro. Nice waste of money there, right? Anyone need any cipro? hahaha If I don't feel better by Friday or the pain gets worse, I'm supposed to call. I have a follow-up scheduled for Monday afternoon if not.
Good news: I lost a pound in a day. WOOT!!
Bad news: the lab tech got on to me about being dehydrated. I told her I've been trying to drink more water. My blood trickled into the tube. What do you expect from someone with a bp of 90/60?
My wrist is still jacked up. Not near as bad as it has been though. I think the pain in my back/abdomen is taking my mind off my RA. I should be happier - it's like a vacation!! ;) 
Thank you, everyone, for your responses and support. Hopefully this new med will get me on the healing road.
hugs, hugs and more hugs
My RD just called me. I told her about the bloodwork for the bacteria and the new drug. I told her about the doctor thinking I might have an ulcer. I also told her I had to stop the naproxen in ordr to take the new med. I asked if having an ulcer meant I wouldn't be able to take an NSAID anymore and she said yes. At this point I am not going to be able to take anything for inflammation, only pain. More vicodin. Yay.... sigh. I have to rely on the imuran and painkillers to manage my RA. I'm currently on 3 pills of imuran and she wants to wait a little longer to see if that kicks in.
She asked if the cort injection helped with my wrist and I told her it wasn't as bad as it was. I have been trying to use it more. She asked if I wanted to do PT and I told her I needed to wait and see how it was covered by the insurance first. The past three days I've had 3 office visit copays, 2 rx copays and whatever out of pocket will be charged for the ultrasounds... Being sick is expensive. I so could have had a boob job by now. ;)
I felt bad with her calling so late. I could hear her daughter in the background right before she hung up. I didn't even know she had a kid (or kids.) Being a doctor has got to be mentally and physically exhausting.
So that's that. I'm miserable in pain tonight. One of my neighbors took the boys for me when she saw how bad I looked. I am so grateful for her right now!!!!
What are they doing about the ovarian cyst? Maybe you should also check with your OBGYN. I hope you feel better soon and they get to the bottom of all of this.
Sorry you are in so much pain.
Get some rest and I hope tomorrow you will be feeling a little better. I have an ovarian cyst on my left ovary. I thought I was dying from the pain it was causing me. It has not really bothered me that much. But they did want to keep an eye on it and have me come in and get ultrasounds of it every 2 weeks. I was like oh hell no! I am having troubles with it again, I am just trying to get the courage up to go back to the gyno. My guy gyno left. So... now I get who ever took over for him. I am just not much on letting strange people look at my private parts.
Feel better soon. Much and many hugs.
Shoot, Mel!  I hope you are feeling somewhat better by now.  I am sorry you are having such a rotten time!  I sure hate to see you go into the weekend feeling so low, I hope you can get something resolved by then.  What a great neighbor to take your boys!  I am so glad you have someone close to help if you need it and I know it eases your mind.

I can't take any anti inflammatories either. It's tough but you will get used to it. My primary gave me Tylenol with codeine and it helps some. When things are really bad I sneak an aleve, my contriband. Don't tell my nephrologist! Take care.Hang in there Mel; sounds like they are narrowing in on the problems and will soon be getting you the help you need.
I had a long response typed out and the internet crapped out on me!! uuuuuggggh....
My innards are killing me. Am I just being a sissy?? I would think I wouldn't be overly sensitive to pain being an "RA veteran" but geez!! This is ridiculous.
Sorry. Just venting.
Thank you again, everyone. Hope you are all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day. *hugs*
Mel, in my experiences, if my innards are telling me one thing and someone else says something else, I listen to my innards!  RA pain is something we have learned to live with and, while not always easy, we push it aside because for most of us, this is life.  The pain you are having now is different; you are not being a sissy; you have a real, undefined issue that is causing you pain.

You need to figure out what the next step is, sweetie!  Maybe another visit to PCP?  RD?  Someone who will listen and address your pain issue because it doesn't seem it will get any better with the waiting.  I would start with PCP.  Did they say give it some time???  Is the pain just no better or worse?

Please call Mel, it could be more serious than they have anticipated and at the least, they should be able to offer you something to make you more comfortable! 

Blessings, Mel... good energy and hummmmms....

I didn't think things could possibly get any worse.

My RD just called with the results from my routine bloodwork. Because my WBC is so low, I have to go from 3 imuran to 1. No NSAIDS and a lower dosage on a drug that was barely working to begin with.
There are talks of Rituxan or Orencia. I have to call the insurance company. Then I have to go whore myself out or sell some eggs or a body part or something.
I have an appointment with my PCP scheduled for Monday. I figure after 5-6 however many days of pain and I haven't died yet, I can hang in there until then.
I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel helpless and overwhelmed.
I am sooo sorry, Mel!
I hope things start to look up for you. Hang in there, you are a strong woman... heck you have to be to have this disease.
Much and many hugs to you.
[QUOTE=CO_Mel] Spelunker2009-07-30 22:00:40So sorry! Hope they get to the bottom of this asap. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Extreem pain. Unknown hurting inerds and medication out of our reach do to financing.
Well ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
milly2009-07-30 22:58:51Hang in there Mel~You can do it. Mel, I am so miserable for you!  I just hate to think of you waiting through the weekend!  Please, if things get unbearable, go to urgent care! 

I know you have worries about co-pays on the Orencia and such, but most of those drugs have programs now that will pick up the co-pays for a year.  Your RD should have info on this or you may contact the company, I believe.

I hope you find some ease, Mel, because I miss your smiling face!

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