All-Natural Supplement to reduce/elim. your pain | Arthritis Information


Please go away, you are not welcome here. We all have plenty of doctors who help us thank you very much. LMAO - again with the Moxxor.  Your buddy scott gave us all the bs on your MLM opportunity/miracle product back in January.  If you want to sell your crap here buy an ad like the rest of the sponsors.

Known over here as MOBICOSA !! 

[QUOTE=MoxxorRep]Well, i am sorry that you feel that way. I am taking the product myself and was truly not interested in you being my distributor. I wanted you to be aware of a great product that is helping a lot of people, such as myself, with the same type of ailments that you currently suffer from except mine is degenerative and in my spine. This is backed by a number of PHYSICIANS not just people trying to sell a product.
Maybe if you tried it, you would feel the same way I do. 
I'm sure you're sorry....
sorry you weren't able to rook some of us into buying..
go away
[QUOTE=MoxxorRep]Well, i am sorry that you feel that way. I am taking the product myself and was truly not interested in you being my distributor. I wanted you to be aware of a great product that is helping a lot of people, such as myself, with the same type of ailments that you currently suffer from except mine is degenerative and in my spine. This is backed by a number of PHYSICIANS not just people trying to sell a product.
Maybe if you tried it, you would feel the same way I do. 

LOL - when one goes to the Moxxor website it seems they push the MLM distributor program as much, if not more than, the product they claim to sell.

I have no doubt omega-3 supplementation can help with a number of chronic conditions.  However, one does not need to go through a scam artist in a pyramid scheme to get an omega-3 supplement.

And another thing - your buddy Scott told us it took 90 days or so for this to work. Your "testimonials" seem to contradict your colleague.
JasmineRain2009-07-28 18:28:04 [QUOTE=MoxxorRep]Well, i am sorry that you feel that way. I am taking the product myself and was truly not interested in you being my distributor. I wanted you to be aware of a great product that is helping a lot of people, such as myself, with the same type of ailments that you currently suffer from except mine is degenerative and in my spine. This is backed by a number of PHYSICIANS not just people trying to sell a product.
Maybe if you tried it, you would feel the same way I do.[/QUOTE]
In that case, a personal introduction and a brief personal testimonial without the BUY NOW BUY NOW would have better served you, your product, and the members of this discussion forum.

Like Jas, I have great respect for the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3's but find the hyperbole and dramatics presented in your various posts overdone and in poor taste. Further, I agree that if you want to advertise, do so legitimately and pay for advertising space rather that spam the various parts of AI.
