OT...Obesity Healthcare Costs US 147 Billion | Arthritis Information


The annual healthcare cost of obesity in the US has doubled in less than a decade and may be as high as 147 billion dollars a year says new government-sponsored research.

The study was conducted by researchers at RTI International, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is published in the 27 July issue of the health policy journal Health Affairs.

For the study, which was funded by the CDC Foundation, lead author Dr Eric Finkelstein, director of RTI's Public Health Economics Program, and colleagues analyzed data from the 1998 and 2006 Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys.

They found that:

http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/158948.phpI was listening to a radio show last week and they were talking about obesity and the costs of obesity and they were discussing whether to take legal action against parents of overweight children and even taking the children away from the parents. Gosh, this United States is losing sight of what the founding priciples are. Everyone is playing god and ruler in how everyone should have to live.
I agree with you Lev.  There was an excerpt from a forthcoming book in the NYT, I Was a Baby Bulimicthat while not directly related to the cost of obesity, might/maybe/perhaps be a conjunct to dialogue about an obsession with both food and physical form...or not.

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