new to support grroup | Arthritis Information


 Hi my name is Suzq and I am new here. I was diagnosed with RA this summer, along with fibromyalsia adn chronic fatigue. I am taking hydroxycloroquine 2x a day. I am getting my hands and feet xrayed next week for the first time. I am currently in a flare-up. My hands are swolen and tingly, my feet hurt and it feels like I am walking on my bones. I have body aches and great fatigue. I am married with 3 kids.Althugh I was diagnosed in the summer, I didn't really appreciate the enormity of this diagnosis until recently and it is very scary to me. I feel bad that I am feeling sorry for myself after hearing about how much a lot of you are suffering.I am glad to be here and have the ability to get support. I don't know anyone with RA and my friends and family are supportive but don't really understand. I also lost my Mom a year ago and I am feeling a little lost. suzq

Oh honey................

First of all - let me say that I'm sorry you're in pain.   I hope that you can get some treatment and get the RA under control quickly!  

Everyone feels depressed and self-pity when they're first dealing with this, and I believe that it's OK - for a while.   It's scarey, and overwhelming, and very painful.... and it's totally understandable to feel that way.  

**Personal Opinion here ---- I think depression and self-pity are a stage you need to get thru and deal with... and then MOVE ON.  Don't deny yourself the grieving process, but dont stay there too long either.    Start fighting, taking control of your disease... and LIVE your life.  It DOES get better, and you need to be ALIVE when it does.

Welcome home.   It's a nice place we have here.  Hope you stick around.  Hopefully you won't feel so alone now.   I'm also sorry about your Mom....



Welcome, Welcome Welcome...suzq

I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your mother.  Mother's are special and when we lose them we lose a part of ourselves. Mourning a beloved one's loss takes time. 

Please do not feel lost, although I know that is easier said then done...You will meet many nice people during your journey and they will help you find your way through all the hardships you may be faced with now and what may be in the future. 

We are glad to have you here at AI and hope that you will continue to enjoy the friendship we have to offer you.





You came to the right place for the support you need,sorry to hear your in pain ,hope your flare up dies down,but keep your RD doctor posted on everything,it is very import to give you the proper medications,again welcome Sherry

Thank you all for welcoming me and taking the time to respond. It means so much. I appreciate your feedback