finger circulation cut off | Arthritis Information


Some time last week I was woke up by my left middle finger feeling like the circulation was cut off. It was weird. nothing was on my hand. It did not tingle or anything. It just felt like the circulation was cut off to that finger only. I sat up and rubbed it and it throbbed and then a few minutes later it was back to feeling like a normal finger.

anyone else have this?
Joonie this happened to all my fingers before I was dx'ed and still does occasionally. Id be woken at night with totally numb fingers even though I had not been laying on them. My 1st appt with Rheumy, he gave me some cortisone shots into my wrists and that helped until I started Pred. It is ( apparently) inflammation that narrows the carpal tunnel sheath
If it had carried on, I would gladly have had my hands cut off as the pain was terrible.
Hope you are doing OK...I need to catch up!
Lyn  xx  Joon, sorry to hear about this. I've had some experiences where random parts "fall asleep" as well. I've had the entire hand fall asleep, but not just a piece of finger. The only time I had a piece was when the raynaud's was acting up. It's scary because you have no feeling whatsoever! I hope it was a one-time only event for you.

Thanks for the replies guys!

I was wondering if it had anything to do with my new BP meds. It was mighty hot the night it happened, so I do not think it was Raynaud's. I was going to mention it to my RD, but I forgot.
Like you said, Mel... I hope it is a one time event as well.
I wrote a post about this a week or so ago. While i was laying down all fingers /thumb except my pinky when numb, tingly. I tried everything...finally i dangled my hand over the side of the bed and it was like the blood flowed back into my fingers.and became normal agian. i wasnt lying funny on it at all.  this happened off and on all night...My wrist was swollen from my RA , i think that had something to do with it. the next day when swelling went down it was fine. Wierd /scary feeling isnt it?It is my feet and more specifically my toes of late that I find are giving me similar.
It started out feeling like I had a wet piece of paper stuck to the underside of my toes.
My toes can get very cold and now I am experiencing sharp shooting pains up some of the toes if I bend them to much.
Wearing shoes and walking the dog can become a hobble.
Strangely, stocking feet is a better way to get around, no shoes or boots.
That just sounds awful... all fingers doing it. I am sorry to hear you experienced that, Klynn.
Stephen I think I would freak if my feet done it. I hope you can find out what is causing it.
If you think you have lost circulation to your fingers or toes, call your doctor or get yourself to the ER. You could have vasculitis.