eye doctor tommorow | Arthritis Information


ok, so i got a eye doctor appt. tommorow

i HATE those ones, and tommorow is gonna be worse than ever
i have a NEW eye doctor, cuz my mom decided she didnt wanna drive an hour, to get to the other one
so im going to the one that my mom goes to, i used to go to him when i was little, but he got rid of me. he sayd i was too little then, i was about 5 years old...
uh, the worst part is the eye drops, i hate them. gettin eye drops is worse than having blood taken... in my opinion... i wont be able to see anything for a while... gonna feel weird.
im such a baby, i always cry when i need to have eye drops. even at that yale hospital place, back in April. they did WEIRD things there, i think they had to do it tho. to check for uvietis.
idk if this doctor would check for uvietis, he doesnt know i have JRA, so he probably wont check. unless my mom tells him.
i hope it isnt too bad, atleast my grandma's going with me too. grandma is my total favorite person EVER. well, not EVER, but i prefer her over most other people.
im scared
well, i hope im ok
usually I'm pretty supportive of all you write about and I hope I don't sound too callous but you need to grow up a little. Eye drops? Really? With all you go through, and will have to go through with this disease eye drops are the least of your problems. You are 14, not 4 and you are going to have to deal. He'll be able to tell if something is wrong if he is doing a complete exam.  Plus-you will have to give him a list of your current meds so that will tip him off that you are fighting something.  Hate to say it, but you will probably be seeming him quite a bit if eyes are one of your complications.  I see mine monthly.  Make sure you have a good relationship with your eye dr.  I admit-I doctor shop.  I have gathered what I call my "cast of thousands", and I can honestly say that I have a good relationship with each one.  Especially being young, you will be spending quite a bit of time with doctors.  I was a bit older than you when diagnosed and I didn't truly appreciate how important the dr/patient relationship was.grow the fvck up, idiot u see ur eye doctor monthly? wow
thats alot of eye doctor visits
if i was stuck with the old eye doctor still, there'd be no way to see him monthly, he's too far away. atleast, if i need to see the eye doctor more often now, it'll be alot closer.
i guess ur right Allymom... in a way
wait a minute, isnt uvietis ONLY a part of one type of JRA
and that type started with a "p"
do u think, kids w/ systemic JRA could still get uvietis? i wonder... they had checked at the hospital, i didnt have it then, so idk...
really, anybody can get uvietis.  I see mine so often cuase I have chronic iritis and have had scleritis and uvietis in the past.  Basically pick an "itis".
The dr. wants to be able to catch something before it gets out of control.  This has allowed my eyes to be in pretty good shape.
Let us know how it goes tomorrow
i'll be sure to say what happened
I have had two verybad cases of scleritis, it hurts BAD but it goes with a lot of auto immune diseases. Good luck.
so i went to the eye doctor
and my eyes r basically OK, except for one thing
since i take prednisone, the doctor sayd it made pressure in my eyes
SO, now i might have glaucoma
they took some pictures of my eyes
and later in August, i have to have a visual field test
thats what i was supposed to have at the hospital
but they never did it, i was too sick
so, i hope i dont have glaucoma, but i think i do
ive noticed slight changes in my vision
and they found too much pressure, when they tested
which was cool, the test
with the puffy air that blows in ur eye
i NEVER had that done before, so that was new and exciting
anyways other than having glaucoma, im OK
they sayd i did good with readin the letters on the chart, there were ALOT of letters
uh, so the black part in my eyes is still super huge lol
i hate that, its so annoying
usually the drops make it blurry when im in the doctors office
but today, i didnt get blurry until i walked outside
DONT say it was the sun, its been raining all day, not much sun
so, thats basically what happened to me
I had glaucoma...... from my meds as well.
I had the surgeries to repair the eye's inability to release the pressure.
I have a recheck in October.... but all appears to e just fine..
(I had NO vision changes since it was caught very early)
oh so u had it too
but now, everything is ok for u
thats good
i hope i dont go blind or nothin
that'd be terrible, atleast they figured it out soon
OR do u think since ive been taking pred for a few months, that its too late now
and im DOOMED
talk to your doctor..
from what I was told you can take eye drops for the rest of your life.. or have the  surgery.. surgery was laser and over in 15 minutes...  no after effects except the eyes were dilated and sun sensitive the rest of the day ....
oh no!!!!! drops!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?
thats what my grandma told me, she sayd about the eye drops forever
cuz my grandpa had to have a visual field test, he was havin problems
surgery sounds scarier than drops tho, hmmm this could be odd...
well, i'll see the doctor soon, August 20th
the day after my rhuemy appt.
so many doctor appts.
I have had high pressures quite a bit over the last few years.  Due to meds of course.  As I have changed meds, the pressures have come down. 
We do always seem to have a ton of appointments
oh so u had high pressure too
wow, it seems like lots of ppl get it
Star, I have to laugh at you about the eye drops. I was the same way, when it comes to my eyes,  I'm very picky about whats done to them.  Well I got catarats from the predisone and have had surgery twice and lens put in and laser twice,  in the 80's.   I have had glaucoma for the last 13 years.  No surgery for it, I put in eye drops twice a day,  I have 20/20 vision, no glasses. My pressure is staying at 11 and 12.    If laser will help you don't be afraid of it, it was very easy with no side effects, not even sore eyes afterwards.  Do whatever you have to do to keep good eye site and do everything they tell you, To me the eyes are the most inportant thing,  I can do without my legs or my hearing, not my eyes.  You get use to eye drops after a while.oh yeah, he sayd that was the good thing
that i didnt have any catarats from the pred
lucky u, 20/20 vision
not me, ive never had perfect vision, wah
hmmm, i guess if they suggest laser surgery for it, then i'll do it. if it would help.
Try to think  positive Star. Don't bring on more trouble before it's time. Try to get your mind off of it for a while. Invite a friend over. Watch a movie....read a book. It's going to be all right. You're a strong kid. What ever you incounter in the future, you're strong enough to handle.
Keep repeating the positive. Over and over again.
"If the mind can see it, and the heart can believe it, then you can acheive it." It sounds a little cheesy; but it's a positive statement. I truly believe it works. That's from Norman Vincent Peale. "Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are. " Do a search of his quotes Star. I find his work very inspiring.
Chin up.
ur right Lovie, i gotta keep a good atitude
atleast until the 10 days r up, for Spelunkers challenge...
but even after that challenge, i should still try and b positive
how do u ppl stay positive so much? isnt it hard?
It becomes habit after a while. With practice; the positive will come easier than the negative. It does take work....but I wouldn't say it's hard. That would just be negative, right?
You can form good habits probable easier than you can form bad ones.
oh lol
so i was almost negative... again, askin if it's hard
oops, well i'll try to be positive
most of the time.
Oh when you go to the eye doctor and they dialate your eye with eye drops to see inside you are supposed to ware sunglasses when you go outside. I know you said there was no sun but still next time bring sunglasses if your doctor does not give you any. My eye doctor gives me throw away sunglasses. I think they give everyone on RA meds a field vision test. I feel like I get pressure but I am alright. I hope you do fine.thnx milly, they dont ever give me sunglasses
i guess i'll bring some next time
altho my regular glasses, r the type that get dark in the sunlight
so, maybe thats why they dont give me sunglasses
i hope i do ok too, so thnx again

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