Switching from Enbrel to Humira | Arthritis Information


I just switched this week from Enbrel to Humira.  I had been on Enbrel a year, and it was seeming to lose effectiveness.  I had my 1st Humira shot 3 days ago, and I am so fatigued!  Also, I have noticed little bruises (dime sized) on my arms and legs.  I am also feeling very stiff.  My question (s):  Should I be expecting this because the Humira has not yet kicked in and the Enbrel has worn off?  Did anyone else notice this fatigue after starting Humira; if so, does this go away?  Can anyone share their experiences with me that they had when they switched from Enbrel to Humira?  (I intend to keep an eye on the bruising, but did anyone else experience this?)
Thanks so much!
Gigi, I switched from Enbrel to Humira earlier this year.  I didn't notice extra fatigue, but I am often not at my best the day following a shot of either Enbrel or Humira.  IDK if it is because it is at the end of the week(s) time perior and the meds need time to replenish themselves in my body or what. 

I had to eventually go to weekly Humira shots.  I know both of these work much better with MTX, but I can't take that so, really, neither works well by itself for me.  I have found another combination of DMARDS to help with that, but honestly, I am not where I was with the MTX combo.  I plan on reviewing this with my RD after my upcoming surgery and formulating another game plan. 

By the by, I switched back to Enbrel.

Thanks so much for the reply!  Can you tell me why you switched back to the Enbrel?  Did the Humira stop working for you, or did the Enbrel just help more?  Did it have anything to do with side effects?
When you took MTX did it just make you sick, or did it cause problems with your liver?  I am still on the MTX; but I haven't taken mine this week as I am so fatigued, I don't think I could work!  
Thanks again! ~ Gigi
Gigi, I went back to Enbrel because it seemed to work better for me than Humira.  The reason I quit MTX was because of an ugly rash that developed on the backs of my legs that never went away and because of lung nodules.  MTX didn't make me sick, a bit tired the next day, but not too bad.  I took the shots at night so I slept away most issues. 

I wouldn't recommend skipping your drugs without discussing this with RD.  There are other issues that can cause fatigue, and they can be serious so I would advise a visit with the RD or at least a check-up with the PCP to rule out other causes.  We do tend to blame RA and the drugs for everything and that is not always the case. 

I hope you find the magic that works for you Gigi, and I hope you get that fatigue checked out!  I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks for your input; I know what you mean about not skipping meds without discussing with with your RD.  I'm an RN who works in a hospital setting, so my RD is on board with me with holding off on my MTX if I am feeling a bit run down.  As you can guess, I encounter a lot of potential pathogens at the hospital and have had a few fairly serious infections
I really appreciate this forum for all the experience and wisdom it gives.  Thank you for being kind enough to reply; it is the sharing of information that keeps us all on top (well...maybe on top is stretching it) of this disease!
I'm keeping my Enbrel because I think, like you, it may work better for me then the Humira.  How long did you try the Humira before you went back to the Enbrel?
Hi, I'm new here.  I was on Enbrel over six years with wonderful results, but my body seems to have outsmarted it.  My doctor said the "next course" was to try Humira before trying infusions.  I was hoping to find good reports about Humira but so far it seems to be mixed.

Gigi - I experienced fatigue when I started Enbrel but that went away.  Keep us posted on your Humira experience, OK?
Well put, Tara.  It is funny how our bodies eventually find out how to outsmart any of these medications.  
I wanted to clarify that I usually take my MTX weekly on the same day.  It's just the occasional week that I will vary a day or two if my immune system seems to be weaker than normal
~ Gigi  
Hey Gigi, sorry it took me so long to answer this!  I was on Humira for 5 months, more or less.  I felt better control with the Enbrel, but I did also start adding a different combination of additional DMARDS to fill in the gap the inability to take MTX left.  I had not done this with Humira, so it may have worked quite well if I had.

This new combination has certainly helped, but I want better control yet.  I still have days, especially the closer to shot time it comes, where I have more than 5 hot, swollen joints.  This says to me, I need better control.  I discussed this with my RD on Mon. and she agreed but does not want to change any meds prior to my upcoming surgery.

I am glad to hear you have such a great, close working relationship with your RD.  This is so important in my book.  This disease does have many causes of flares, stress being one of the many!  I sure do hope you are able to get your treatment tweeked and you back on track. 

Do you take anything to help with the fatigue and side effects of the MTX?  Some are prescribed folic acid and some take biotin to help.  As always, talk to RD prior to any additions, supplements included.  I know you know this, being a nurse, but I don't feel it can be understated!

Best to you, Gigi!

First of all, I keep meaning to tell you that I love your little penguin!
I do take folic acid, but not biotin.  Thanks for that advice, I am going to check that out. 
This exhaution is really overwhelming; it's the worst that I have had for a long time.  My poor hands are so stiff and swollen, it's hard to type.
Thanks for all your advice and encouragement!
~ Gigi 

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