Back to the hospital on Monday | Arthritis Information


July 1   I had my knee replacement but also had a rheumatoid flare up after surgery.   I was doing so good until this past Monday, no crutches, no walker and just barely a limp...

This past Monday I took my little dog out to go to the bathroom and got caught in his leash. Fell and split my incision open and ripped the tendon's above the knee.   Now it's back to the hospital this coming Monday for tendon repair. 
Please dear God don't let me have another flare up after surgery again.  Am aloud to stay on all my RA med's except for Mobic and am really hoping I don't experience the pain of a flare up all over again.
Oh man Karen; of all the luck. Bless your heart, I'm real sorry to hear this. I hope everything goes well monday.
Get well soon!
oh my!!  Thats such a shame!  I hope this fix up helps you and no flaring!! Hang in there Karen!!OUCH! I empathize and send you my best wishes for a speedy recovery and dormant RA symptoms.

Cheers, Shug
Thank you all.  Wish I had a lap top so I could take you all with me.  Oh I hope you do alright. It does not usually work that way for me. I usually get the flares first and the surgeries after. I guess everyone is different. I hope it was just a fluke and you do not flare again. WIshing you a speedy recovery this time around.Best wishes, Karen, for a successful surgery and a speedy, flare free recovery.  Let us know how you are asap.  You may not be able to take us with you, but we will be with you all the same! 
