To kathy_in_wlsv | Arthritis Information


If you are looking for a new RA related message board, I highly recommend  It is not a "support site", in so far as you will not find a lot of long and self pitying posts about the horrors of using handicapped parking or whose house is filthiest.  (As if that were something to brag about.)  At Healthboards, you will find a group of very literate people who post about RA, period.  No highly charged emotions, no cat fights, no stream of consciousness drivel.  It is very refreshing after what has been going on here and at RA Friends.  kidlet- just a question nothing meant by it just me wondering. why no you come here or to RAF if you are unhappy with the sites?

I have been's a nice board...can be a little confusing looking for specific post about RA in the Arthritis forum...

I don't spend much time on either this site or RAF but I check in occasionally, the same as I do with many other RA related boards.  Actually, I used to like it here a lot and at first found it very informative. Unfortunately, the climate seems to have changed from a place to intelligently discuss the disease to a place where emotion rules.  My only reason for posting at all was to give one of the members the information she requested, i.e. an alternative site.  Obviously, I'm not the only one disatisfied with the current direction and I certainly mean no offense to those who like it here.  Different strokes, etc.  That is why there are so many web sites out there---everyone has a different way of handling RA.
Me, I just want the facts, not coddling.

Thank you. 

I come to as many sites as I can, take what I can use, and leave the rest. But recently the emotions have been high a couple of places, and I felt uncomfortable there, and like my input wasn't needed.  I thank Kidlet, and honestly don't think she was running down anyplace, simply giving me an answer to a quetion I raised a while ago.

Kathy,  I hope you stop in and say hi often