Discouraged/ Any advice? | Arthritis Information


I woke up today exhausted - again!  I just switched this past week from Enbrel to Humira.  My thought is that the Enbrel has worn off, but the Humira hasn't kicked in yet (it's been 5 days!)  I wonder how long I should give the Humira to work until I figure it's not working?

I have a full work schedule this week, and just don't know how I am going to do it.  Even the thought of trying to shower today sounds like too much!  Help!
~ Gigi
If at all possible, take a short nap at work.  I frequently did this, especially when I was pregnant.  Even 20 minutes can do wonders!  I would go to my car, recline the seat, and set the alarm on my cell phone to wake me up. Good advice, but unfortunately I work 12 hour shifts in a triage area at a hospital; I seldom even get lunch, much less a break .  The good news is that I only have to work 3 12's a week, with an occasional extra 6 hour shift some weeks.  So it could be worse.  I really would not like to have to get up 5 days a week.
By the way, that cracks me up that you list "Coke" as one of your meds.  I guess I would have to add "Code Red Mountain Dew" to my list
~ Gigi
Gigi, how is your sleep pattern at night?  Do you take anything to help you sleep?  Sleep affects me so much when it comes to my RA and Fibro.  Of course, it compounds any fatigue as well. 

I don't know how long it will take the Humira to reach its full potential, but I know it can take as long as several months.  It looks to me like since you were on Enbrel, it wouldn' take so long?  That is just my wee brain doing some practical (to me anyway!) thinking!  It is so different for everyone, it is hard to predict.

Gosh, I wish I could be more help!  I can offer you loads of support and keep you on my list for wishing better days - and I will!

Gigi, sorry you're having RA fatigue.  Working 12 hour shifts would be hard for anyone.
Unfortunately 5 days is not enough to see if the medicine will work.  I think I didn't get the relief until about 4 or 5 months.  One of the hardest things when you're feeling bad is finding patience.  Do your best to take a 5 min. break when you can, get as much sleep as you can when you're not working and eat a well balanced diet.  Hope you're feeling better soon.
Thanks so much for the postive thoughts and reinforcement.  Of course, you are right.  I just need to have patience
My son and daughter-in-law are having their 3rd child in a couple weeks and I am going down there to help (while still trying to work my full schedule).  They have 17 mo. old twins, so I know I need to be at my best.  I'm just praying this "kicks in" before then!
~ Gigi
Gigis8, no advice; simply wanted to offer my best wishes for resolution of your extreme fatigue and a marked reduction in all your symptoms.

RE: patience…long ago someone told me that RA WILL teach me patience. Whether I have learned that lesson or not is certainly debatable, but I am trying!

Congratulations on you forthcoming grandchild!

Cheers, Shug
GiGi- the Code Red Mountain Dew doesn't help the fatigue.  Caffeine will help keep you awake in the short term but interferes with proper sleep.  You'll sleep better and have less fatigue if you kick the caffeine.
I also know it is tough for nurses to get their breaks but for your health you really need to get them in...if you make them a priority the time will be made..
and of course patience with the humira...you need to give it more than 1 shot
Thanks so much for the encouragement.  It is so nice to come to this site and be able to "talk" about these things.  Few people know how bad I usually feel most days.   Are most of you the same way?    Most people don't understand how the RA fatigue is different from being tired, so it's hard to explain why you don't have the energy to do things.
I'll try and keep some of these tips in mind!
~ Gigi
I, too, work in the health field and it is so difficult to make time for yourself when the stuff is hitting the fan.  I try to rest when I have a second, even if I'm not really ready for a break because you know things change by the second!
Good luck!
Thanks for all the encouragement!  I just wanted to say that I have had my second shot and am starting to feel better!  So, maybe Humira will work after all     I still don't feel as good as I did when I was first on Enbrel, but I will have patience and give it more time.
Thanks again ~ the encouraging words helped a lot!
~ Gigi
Gigi, feeling better is good! Thanks for sharing your good news with us. Keep thinking good thoughts.

Cheers, Shug
Gigi!! so glad you're finding some relief!!  Best of luck that things continue to improve.Hi Gigis,
I'm so glad to hear your fatigue is decreasing. When I got RA, I had to quit my traditional nursing job primarily due to the awful fatigue. I found an on-call position that when I was called in for a forensic patient, it was about a 4hours job and I could only do it 1-2 times a week since it made me sleep 12hrs then feel fluish 2days. Sometimes my hands were scary bad and my feet always were. I had to go on unpaid leave for 2 shoulder surgeries in 08. With all that and ulcerative colitis, I have had to accept I just cannot do it anymore. As it turned out, the poor county had to cut our forensic team 75% which included my position as the only RN (all others NPs). When I was looking for a job, all other parttime jobs were fewer days, not fewer hours. Maybe your home town will have more opportunities if you ever need one. Somebody suggested you taking a 20min nap. I know you cannot do it... if you are a nurse, you only get a half-hour meal break at most. I tried sleeping in mine, but I find no relief unless it's 2 hours... try to find a job allowing that. Anyway, I hope your med makes you feel loads better so you can continue the job you love!  

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