Antibiotics and Risk of Breast Cancer | Arthritis Information

Share! That caps it: side effects are not limited to the "big guns", i.e. MTX and biologics. I have bookmarked these studies and will read them in greater depth.

It is true, there ARE two sides to every story.
If that's the study that was done out at Group Health Co-op in Seattle, I think there has been considerable debate about the research methodology and conclusions drawn.  Of course, I don't have links or data handy - I just remember discussing this with a few researchers a couple years back. Says little evidence of dose response."Medical record review suggested that acne and/or rosacea could be the underlying factor, associated with long-term antibiotic therapy and found by others to be associated with risk of breast cancer." Lynn492009-08-04 09:27:41"Although causality cannot be ruled out, the observed associations of antibiotics overall, tetracyclines, and macrolides with breast cancer were weak and could be explained by uncontrolled confounding by the diseases being treated or by other factors."

Sounds more like they showed antibiotics do NOT cause breast cancer.
[QUOTE=Joe M]"Although causality cannot be ruled out, the observed associations of antibiotics overall, tetracyclines, and macrolides with breast cancer were weak and could be explained by uncontrolled confounding by the diseases being treated or by other factors."

Sounds more like they showed antibiotics do NOT cause breast cancer.

In my opinion, the key phrase is "could be"....................That certainly doesn't sound like they "proved" anything
Lynn492009-08-04 09:49:59