need prayer | Arthritis Information


The 17th is my first infusion of really scared. I tired of being poked and proded. afraid of the affects..afraid of it not working. Im tired of hurting. Since my chemo ended back in Dec, i havent had anything for relief but pred. and darvocets..and their wanting me to stop the darvocets..sending me to rehabilitation..I cant meditate my pain away!! Any way, pray for comfort plus understanding. This is a trip i dont want to take....

 I know how you  feel about being poked and prodded I often feel that way too. I will be keeping you in my prayers for God to help you not to be afraid and to help with the pain issues.  ((((hugs)))) and prayers being sent your way.
Thank you so very much.. <hugs>Sorry. I will pray for you. Well I hope this round of poking gives you some relief. Let us know. We are here for you.

why do they want you to stop darvocets?

Praying things go well for your, Ivy!

I'll pray for you Cynthia. 

My very best wishes for pain cessation and a quick response to your upcoming infusions. Prayers for you.  I would think after getting colon cancer on Enbrel you would be very careful about what you take.jan nothing like adding to her fear.  have you read the book  "People of the Lie"
you should
Do you mean drug rehab?  That sounds crazy to me.  Darvocet is a relatively weak opiod and with a proper taper I would think it shouldn't be too hard to get off.  There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction.  If you are hitting the street to buy more darvocet because your script runs out early, that can be a sign of addiction.  If it were me I'd be seeking another opinion. Just my 2 cents. [QUOTE=mabus]jan nothing like adding to her fear.  have you read the book  "People of the Lie"
you should
I am just commenting on what has happened. 
Many prayers going up-sorry for your troubles. Hope you feel better soon.Prayers are on their way...HGI'll keep good thoughts and best wishes coming your way, ivypoeCynthia, blessings to you and good thoughts for a positive outcome to your treatment!  I know this is a scary time for you and I know how fear affects the body and the healing process.  Exhale your fear and know you have many here with you in your recovery!

Humming for you with energy and exuberance!
