G’day Folks | Arthritis Information


G'day folks :)

Cazz from Australia here.

I'm new to the forum and I'm here to read, research and find out all I can about managing OsteoArthritis, in particular alternative methods that work :) It's late here 11pm, sadly I havn't had a lot of time to explore all the Arthritis discussion topics, but I will be back in a day or so to catch up. Hope this message finds you in good spirits. I've recently been struck down with severe Arthritis in my facet joints and I'm struggling with the fact that I will have this for the rest of my life. If anyone knows of anything that has worked to manage the pain or even better reverse and stop the progression of Arthritis please share.  I have to say I'm scared of what the future holds.

Cheers to all, I look forward to more contact soon :) Carolyn/Cazz

good luck to you!

G'day Cazz:  whereabouts in OZ are you?  I'm in Boronia, Vic. 

I get scared sometimes too, usually when I think too much about all the negative things. 

Sorry, can't type any more tonight. 

will catch up again soon


G'day Pam

I'm in Adelaide, South Australia :)

I know what you mean about being scared if I think too much about the negative sides to Arthritis. I in fact have had arthritis for probably 15 years, but treated it as a side affect to surgery I had 20 odd years ago, You know sore, stiffness backache etc etc. But about 4 months ago now I woke up one day and could not move with the pain, every move hurt, in fact I was quite disabled. Hence I went on the journey of physio, massage, pain killers thinking WoW this bad back is lasting too long this time. I was devastated at the crippling pain, that took over my life, after 2 months of treatments barely working and all the anti-inflamatory creams, pain killers hardly touching the pain, they decided to do a cat scan and xrays. I'm unable to take anti-inflamatory tablets orally, so we tried a few other methods (supposetry etc) still with complications, reactions and no success. So I was left with crippling pain now for 3 months with barely any refeif and my life totally changed. I was depressed with the crippling pain. OsteoArthritis was diagnosed and then came a trial of medications to which I had dreadful reactions to 

I hear all what your saying about there is so much that can be done for Arthritis, however in my case I found myself so limited to what I can take (allergic reaction). And that the only choice being rather scary (Celebrex).  Celebrex does provide some pain releif and freedom and mobility and most days I can still manage to get to work 

hey Cazz:

My arthritis started 7 years ago when my right knee blew up to footy size one night. 

All through this I was seeing my GP and no mention was made of anything but OA.  in Aug '04 I had cellulitis in my left wrist.  It never really came back to normal.  in Aug '05 my new GP said enough was enough and sent me to another rheumatologist.  After extensive blood tests and an MRI, the diagnosis of Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Finally the right diagnosis.  She said that up to 25% of people with RA don't have Rheumatoid Factor in their blood.  Wish I had known that before.  No wonder all the OA treatment did nothing.

Since December I have been on Methotrexate, Prednisolone, Celebrex, Panadeine-forte, Ostelin, Folic Acid.  No noticable improvement yet but I see the rheumatologist in a couple of weeks for a follow-up.  I would be lost without my Celbrex, in fact I used to be on Vioxx and to tell you the truth if it came back on the market tomorrow I would ask to be put on it again, it gave at least double the relief that Celebrex does.  My wrists are really going fast and I think my feet have started as well.  My problem now is doing little things like taking lids off or turning taps, even holding the steering wheel for long drives.

I also am grieving my active past

I still have good days and bad days.  On bad days I thank God for the good days.  On good days I enjoy life. 

Take things one day at a time and pursue EVERY option.  You will hit on the right combination in time.

Catch up soon,


pammy41638776.2317592593hi... glad to be a part of this thread....i'm a newie to the site. saw cazz's message about prolotherapy, just
wondered how it is going. i'm looking for something other than major
surgery for my son;s knee ligament injury.

G'day again Pammy,

G'day Kroy Welcome,

G'day bippy Welcome,

G'day all :)

Pammy I sounds like you have found the right combination for you to manage your RA. I will have to admit the Celebrex so far is the only real thing, giving me the best amount of pain releif so far along with mobility, hardly anything else touches the pain.

bippy you asked about the prolotherapy? my prolotherapy treatment starts this Tuesday now, they were not able to start me last week after all. I had a scheduled accupuncture appointment booked, which has provided some releif. But apparently I have to stop the Celebrex 2-3 days before actually having Prolotherapy. So today, I'm in pain as I have started reducing the amount of Celebrex before stopping :(

The lady I worked with (temp staff) is still reporting excellent results although she wont beat around the bush and does not deny the injections are painful and she is sore for a couple of days immediatly after. Can ya feel my anticipation NOT  hahaa.  I will keep you posted about how the treatment goes.  Meantime, keep on keeping on. I enjoy reading all the different thoughts, ideas and methods people have found to live with their own arthritis. But most inspiring is the support.

CHEERS Carolyn/Cazz

I read with interest and great compassion your story.  I just joined the site and must say that reading the stories of others really helps.  I realize that I am not alone.  What I am surprised about is that there is no mention of a drug called Azulfidine.  This drug is a sulfur type drug which has been used for decades.  It was first used for TB and found to be effective in reducing the inflammation of RA.  I have both RA and OA but it seems to be effective in the RA inflammation.  My first post is a long one but describes my journey.  I have found massage to be pleasant although, of course, is not a panacea.  Nothing is.  I have found that my faith has helped enormously in my struggle.  I am thankful to God for the good days and appreciate them.  The bad days are a struggle, but after a few tears, some Panadol (acetominophan (sp?) from England) and shopping on eBay, I manage to pull myself together.  Being able to talk to others in the same boat is very helpful.

Bless you in your struggle and keep on hoping for a cure.


G'day frankiemay :)

Can't say I've heard of Azulfidine, but as it's a sulfure drug , that counts me out.  Well for those who were interested in my Prolotherapy, I had my first treatment Tuesday 5 days ago for me. The injections were as murder I won't lie, and the next day I woke up and couldn't move. I had stopped the Celebrex and was told not to take anymore, to give this prolotherapy a chance. By 3pm that same next day, the pain subsided and I was dancing, literally dancing and had not experienced this kind of freedom or mobility in a long long time. I have remained pain free and drug free since so far.  Today I am starting to feel some stiffness and aches. And who would beleive I am actually looking forward to my next Prolotherapy treatment next sunday (My Birthday) what a gift to give oneself hey? So far I would have to say I rate the prolotherapy (for me) and I know it's early days yet, but there has to have been at least a 60% increase for me. And to think this is the beginning?.  The amount of treatments varies with case to case and person to person. They can vary from 4-8 or 12. Sure prolotherapy injections are not pleasant, but hey neither is OsteoArthritis and this was worth every bit of discomfort and pain so far.  My main aim was to find something that provides long term releif and has me off dangerous medications. For me, Prolotherapy seems to acheive this.  I hope I'm not too enthusiatic too soon in my findings.  I'll keep you posted after the next treatment.

Here is a great Australian website to read about Prolotherapy


Cheers Carolyn/Cazz :)

G'day folks

Just back from my 2nd Prolotherapy treatment (Ouchies) but I had a 60% improvement for at least 5 days, and a total overall improvement of at least 20% after 1 treatment.  So all fingers crossed for an additional 20% or more this time.

CHEERS Carolyn/Cazz :) Today is my Birthday, I'm about to go have a long soak in the spa and a glass of wine when my sister arrives :)

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