It is a family affair | Arthritis Information


So many of our AI family have been wracked with difficulties these last weeks and I have been so lax about inquiring. Allow me to take this opportunity to ask how each of you are…

Wannabe, has your mouth healed without difficulty?
Babs, how is your cough/congestion/p’monia? Moreover, what about that gorgeous young grandson of yours? Is he doing well?
Rebecca, I send you my very best wishes for moments of peace and comfort…please keep us all up to date.
Phats, are you doing better?
JasmineRain, is your Dad doing OK? Your brother? And how are you?
Joonie, I wish you well in your quest to find respite and relief. Have you sought out a chronic illness therapist and make arrangements for PT/OT?
Milly, it seems as if your bombardment of physical and familial difficulties never ends. I wish only clear skies and smooth roads for you…
Lynn49, between the hours necessary to address all those save-the-date cards, the scurrying round and round to take care of DD’s wedding details and your on-going shoulder difficulties sets me wondering how you do all that you do!
Mel…you have had more than your share this past year. I hope you are in a moment of comfort. How ARE you?
HikingGal…I send you my best wishes for respite and resolution.
Waddie? I look each day to see if you have checked in…Ooooommmmmmmmmmmmhhh
Lindy, are you settling into your new home with joy and contentment? I know your son recently came to visit and know, without reservation, that that was a celebration! How are you and how is you DH?
Greenfrog, you are in my thoughts. Please check in and let us know how you are.
Allymom…keep on keeping on woman! Your good news immediately becomes mine.
mom2threeinaz, be at peace, removed from stress, and in the midst of finding your medications functioning to the max! How are you?
Everyone else, please accept my apologizes for not specifically including you by name…my hands can only spend so much time upon the keyboard, however that does not indicate that I do not think of each of everyday and offer my best to you as well!

Peace, Shug

EDITED to add another heartfelt apology to those that I left out/off the list. It was not my intention to slight anyone or indicate in any way that this was somehow a restricted topic. I am heartily sorry for leaving that impression. Humbly, Shug
Spelunker2009-08-08 08:10:49Shug,

Bless you for thinking of us all.  Thanks, it means a lot.  I am doing well.  The pred is doing what I want it to do (except make me hungry all the time).  I'm feeling well right now and appreciating every day.  I am following you as well and am glad you are doing well.  BTW, your soup sounds delish!
to be concerned about us with all that is happening .....  *hugs*
Not sure what is going on w/ the pneumonia...... I've taken the first 10 days of the levaquin and Im on the second.... I want to be sure it's gone and the PCP gave me the option.. This means NO enbrel *sigh* ...
ETA: in my haste to talk of Aidan.. I forgot that I have to have a chest x-ray and a sinus one.. PCP thinks this is a mass of infection in my sinuses that is causing all my issues.
Grandson.... is going to be one year old on 8/13.... the blessing that he is..I had the immense pleasure of spending a full saturday overnight into sunday with him making it his first of many sleep overs at g-mom's house........ 
I have also learned in the last week that another grand child will be blessing our midst in February/March 0f is "GRAND"  ;)
babs102009-08-04 12:51:54Good to hear Phats..
I'll just pull out a snack and settle in to see how everyone is.. now that Shug has done ALL the work!!! 
Thanks for thinking of me- I have a second follow up appointment with the periodontist. Last time he said everything looked good. I told him when I touch the spot that used to have the lump he removed- that tooth was still tender. He said that's ok it's still healing. It'a been 2 weeks now and it's the same. I go see him in another 2 weeks. Not sure what to think.  RD did not tell me to have a retest of WBC so not sure if the problem was taken care of. I have my regular blood work done right before the RD visit in late August.....Hi Shug and everyone else.  I'm glad you thought of me because I've sort of been missing in action.  What a wonderful 3 days with my son.  We putzed around, went to Virginia City for the day, sat and talked for hours, and just generally reconnected.  It's been years since we've spent more than a day with one another, without spouses or family around.  My DH realized how important it was and did his own thing then joined us for meals and in the evening.  He's a gem!
We're all settled in our little house and the solitude is beyond description.  Let's just say it's exactly what I've been yearning for.  We're 7 miles out of town on a large ranch and vineyard.  In the morning I do Tai Chi by the cornfield and walk the lane between the cornfield and the vineyard.  For me it's my bliss.  The furkids are loving the extra space and have taken on a new personality since we moved in.  They're actually playing together, which is a first.  DH is also enjoying it as much as I am.  We'll be sad in October when we're not headed to our place in Mexico but we'll have next year to look forward to.  I'm getting my canvases ready to start a series of paintings based on the Huichol Indian art. 
I had to increase Pred. to 10mg because I'm in a flare but hopefully it will be better in a few days.  I miscalculated my Humira inj. and I ended up with 3 weeks between inj. instead of 10 days!!  Ugh, is all I can say.  I see a new RD on Thurs. and hopefully we'll hit it off.  I want to seriously talk with her about Simponi.
That's my life at the present, pretty quiet and serene.  I hope that you're doing well.  Your spirit seems good and that's half the battle.  Lindy 
Even though  you didn't mention me...
Doing remarkably well here.

Lyrica is finally helping..or its the 5 mg of pred every day.

The constant pain is mostly gone, though my feet, knees and hips still hurt a lot towards the end of the day.. And I still have considerable morning stiffness, but otherwise I'm feeling good, even with the fatigue.

I've made it a policy to spend a LOT of time sitting in the porch swing, reading. After the cardiac cath and finding out my condition had slipped badly, I decided to listen to the Dr., and take it easy. I'm delegating a lot more, and letting some stuff just slide. The up side is I am averaging a book every day and a half and am just plowing throughh our library's mystery section..

I have to get blood work for my cardiodoc tomorrow.. sigh.

The kids are a hoot, and for the most part entertain themselves nicely.

Ally has made a new BFF, and they are glued at the hip.. What is HILARIOUS about this is that the little girl's much older brother was Ally's dad's best friend for ages when they were 8-15.. Ol' Matt slept over night here more times than I could count and I routinely included him in meals.. Now its the same with Sammi.. The other night I called her house to get Ally home and her mom laughed and said "didn't we just do this..15 years ago?"

Because its summer and Mark doesnt get regular pay year round, he teaches summer school.. This marks his 25th year doing that.. We dont have a lot of discretionary income, but I took the kids, (and Sam) to the county fair last week, and we will probably go to a zoo soon.. Zoo's involve a minmum of a 100 mile drive one way so we have to really plan.

We are going to my oldest brother's 50th wedding anniversary bash on the 14th. This will be the first family gathering since my sister died.. and then my In-Laws are visiting on the 17-18 sigh.. Then old friends from 30 years ago are visiting on the 2nd.. Wheeee

aside from your flare... LinB... which I am so sad to hear and send healing thoughs your way........
aside from that... you are living my bliss.... the vineyard... the open spaces...the tai chi in the fields..... the painting.......
kathy.... glad you're taking it easy... be good to yourself.... and hug on those grands!! they are the best!Dad's good, brother's an ass, kids don't want to go back to school in three weeks.  Business as usual! :) Shug,
Excellent idea to create this post!  I admit, sometimes it is hard for me to follow everyone and I lose site of some who are hurting.  This makes it so much easier!
Thanks for including me in this illustrious group
Invitations are all done and mailed.  Next on the list are the programs, seating chart and various other wedding endeavours.   What can I say...I'm very organized.  Don't tell anyone, but I'm having a blast
Thaks for checking on me...Oh and I'm with Phats...this  post was an excellant idea Shug, you are superwoman! :)  Thank you for thinking of me. I don't want to complain right now because it seems that's all I've been good for lately. Just suffice it to say that life is currently challenging. All part of the grand adventure though.
Kudos to a wonderful post to keep us all in the loop with everyone!! Many hugs to you and all. Hope everyone is having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable evening.

Shug, what a wonderful idea this thread is - I actually think it should be a repeating thread, so that we can hear how everyone is doing on a regular basis.  A place where everyone can be updated.

Lynn, take it easy and behave, because you want to be able to enjoy that wedding!  Having done it just last year (Sat. is their one year anniversary), I know how much fun you are having, but also how much work it is!
LinB, will you adopt me?  Your life sounds amazing!
Waddie, Kathy, I'm sorry you are facing all the scary heart issues, hope you get things mended soon.
Phats, so glad to hear you are doing better.  What's on the snack menu tonight? 
Babs, hope you can shake that infection.  Sounds like it's a stubborn one.
Wannabe, glad you are seeing the periodontist again to get it checked out.
I'm hanging in there, dreaming of the day I'll become "bionic" and can get my hips replaced.  Until then my ability to walk is severely impacted.  I have a most peculiar hobble and have learn to walk like a toddler, holding onto furniture or anything else I can grab  to get from Point A - B.  It ain't purdy or graceful that's for sure! When I leave something in another room, I think long and hard about how badly I really need it, before I decide to go get it.  But wonderfully, it gives me more time for genealogy, LOL.
My mom's cancer has spread throughout most of the bones in her body, but she insists she's doing okay, and refuses to move out of her home.  We've made the committment to travel down there (from our home in CT to WV) once a month to keep an eye on how she's really doing, and help where we can.  It so hard being long distance now, but stubborn doesn't even begin to describe her, LOL.  And that's probably why she is still here, when her doctors expected her to go a year ago.  Fortunately I do have cousins who check in on her daily for me.  At least she is doing this on her terms and that brings her comfort.
Looking forward to more updates from everyone.  A whole bunch have probably checked in while I typed this novel, LOL!
Thanks for the kind thoughts shug...

Still trying to hang in there. I had a mishap in a parking lot and ended up chipping a bone in my ankle. Seriously starting to think that I am cursed.

Nice to see everyone else's updates....Would someone pass me the popcorn, please?  I love to hear about your life and what's going on in it.  Here's hugs to all who need them.  LindyThis is very nice and comfortable, isn't it? I like the idea of making it a fixture!

if the saying "what goes around, comes around" is true, girl, you have many blessings headed your way. I love this thread, thank you for thinking of me. I'm doing pretty well, saw my rheumy this week and I have some tendinitis in various parts but all in all not so bad. He gave me a rx for massages which my insurance covers so yay for that. Also Im two days away from a 4 day weekend that I intend to spend intirely with my family.
Lindy, I am so jealous of your life! Can we all come visit??? I don't know tai chi but I'm a really fast learner! Let's keep this up, this is a feel good thread! Shug, please forgive me, I didn't even ask... How are YOU??How am I? I am alive in every sense of the word. I am slowly, but surely, learning the limits of my new normal and making the necessary adjustments as they present themselves.

Mostly, right now, I am relishing getting caught up with everyone, Shug I wanted to thank you for your well wishes for me and my family. I am also thinking of you. Wishing you the best. Can I join this family? I was diagnosed last year and have had numerous issues since then. Thank God I have good medical insurance! I've enjoyed reading posts and have learned so much from you all. My RA is pretty well controlled with Medrol and Plaquenil, but I seem to get all sorts of other stuff - osteomyletis in my jaw last summer (talk about pain! that was awful), really bad repertory virus with an ear infection, and a persistent chronic case of the runs.   When I read about what some of you have had to go through I feel like I should not complain. I'm still able to work - have my own business so I can come in late if I have a bad morning and can leave early if I'm too tired. I don't have any friends here (WA) who have RA and I really enjoy the bond you guys seem to have established. Can I join the group? [QUOTE=maryhatz] Can I join the group?[/QUOTE]
You just did! Welcome to our family. Pull up a comfortable chair and be at ease.

Cheers, Shug
wantto.... your enbrel time is coming... get healed!!
Mel.... you're in my thoughts.
Hillhoney.. Your description of walking sounds like me when I first get up from my desk....  I am sorry that you have that hip pain.. it is one of the worst.
waddie!! today is the day!!
Ally... tendonitis is very painful... hope that subsides quickly
rocckyd!!  OMG.. so sorry you fell... I hope you aren't suffering too much with that.
Shug..  yes, LIFE IS!!
welcome Mary!~ 
There's no discomfort that is lessened by anyone else's here... We all understand *hugs*
welcome. I'm glad you found us! Be sure to keep in touch.
Welcome Mary I just love big families. The bigger the better. Glad you found the forum.Hi and welcome Mary, you joined as soon as you posted.  It's good to have a new voice.  LindyI actually joined in April but have mostly just been reading what others post. I've learned a lot and follow up on some of the things people discuss. I think the more I know about this disease the better prepared I will be. My docs are getting used to me suggesting they look into something for more answers. It's also just plain fun to exchange information whether it is educational of just stuff! I'm happy to be a part of it now and appreciate all the welcomes! Thanks.   Yes, exchanging information, ideas, updates, and suppositions is a grand exercise! I am so glad you have joined us as we tackle RA one day at a time. In early October, the local SCA is offering a course in swordplay. I have a longtime fascination with swords and sword fighting and called the folks who are setting up the program. I explained that I may not be able to participate in the "rough and tumble" aspects of the sword training, but that I would very much like to learn the basic choreography. So, come October I will be working on my overall body strength, balance, and learning a new skill.

Now, off to order up gauntlets, vest, and sword.
I'm sure you will have great fun Shug!  My SIL is a theatrical fight choreographer, and I have been to several staged fight competitions, and it is a fascinating thing to watch.  He does swords, daggers, poles, hand to hand, and about anything else you can think of.  He loves it, and it keeps him very fit also.  You are right, it will be wonderful for your strenght and balance, and will stimulate you mind as well!
Gauntlets and swords are a common Christmas gift in our home, LOL!
well.. I had to look up the SCA....... and WOW>. then I had to find out if there was one near me... and WOW again... There IS!!
How cool, Shug!! Enjoy!!  I will be looking into this further!!
Hillhoney, how great that your SIL is also into theatre, that really does make is a family affair!

Babs, SCA is also a family affair. Many of the members are multi-generational. I have not been a 'regular member' until this time but have attended some of the weekend gatherings as a guest.

I found the recommended SWORD on sale. Just waiting to hear if there is still one in stock.

Something fun to anticipate over the next weeks of intense recovery. Bob found a documentary, Reclaiming the Blade and he ordered a couple of weaponry books for us and well.

En garde!
[QUOTE=SnowOwl]Well, I'm not on the "family list", [/QUOTE]

Sure you are! EVERYONE is a member of the family...I simply ran out of keyboard energy and missed many. My humble apologizes.

Thanks for sharing your SCA home with us. The sword play instructor recommended fashioning a 3.5 pound pole and begin practicing holding and swinging it. A length of dowel is on the shopping list along with some weights.
[QUOTE=SnowOwl]Well, I'm not on the "family list", but am intruding anyway because of the turn the conversation has taken.   
I commend you for going for the sword training.  I can barely lift my favorite sword here and hold it at arm's length, much less swing it, but I took fencing lessons in college and thought it was great fun, I hope you enjoy it, and the SCA scene.  [/QUOTE]
sounds great, SnowOwl
(Pssst:  I would be glad not to have been included.. Most of us had/have something wrong with our medical lives or IRL.)
The SCA!! We've attended several outdoor functions with the group and love the games, music and people.  I'd love to learn to use a sword but clumsy is my middle name and I don't think I'd be able to hold it.  It sure would be fun to learn the art of the swords.  You'll have such a wonderful time.
Snow, you're home decor sounds wonderful.  We have a multitude of miniature cannons sitting around - Stan's love.  I've also collected small knives and daggers over the years but they're all packed away until I have someway to display them.  Any suggestions would be welcome. 
I'm looking into a pottery course that starts next month.  I proctered it 6 years ago and I may see if I can do that again.  Hand building and sculpture will get me through the winter. 
Does anyone else have any plans for your spare time this winter?  Lindy 
Good question, Lindy....
At least it is for me....
This winter (hopefully before that) I plan to get back into quilting.  I just started setting up my DD's room since she moved out... and hope to find some leisure time to get really creative with material!!  -- once I get back into the swing of it all... It's been longer than I'd like to say.
Hi Babs, we just finished with the country fair and the quilt show.  Every single quilt was wonderful.  Some beautiful art quilts and wallhangings.  I love fiber arts but I don't have the patience to quilt.  I'm just not that person.  I love to look at them and use them but not craft them.  I'd probably have closets, chests, boxes and bags full of material if I got interested in quilting.  Material would take over my life the way vintage jewelry and beads have!  I hope you get to quilt this winter.  Business may really take off and keep you busy.  Lindy  [QUOTE=LinB]Hi Babs, we just finished with the country fair and the quilt show.  Every single quilt was wonderful.  Some beautiful art quilts and wallhangings.  I love fiber arts but I don't have the patience to quilt.  I'm just not that person.  I love to look at them and use them but not craft them.  I'd probably have closets, chests, boxes and bags full of material if I got interested in quilting.  Material would take over my life the way vintage jewelry and beads have!  I hope you get to quilt this winter.  Business may really take off and keep you busy.  Lindy  [/QUOTE] is booming!  I also have a wedding to help with in February and another grand coming in early March.. not to mention my grand little buddy!!  I get in the grove w/ sewing in my room..... music going..... and I just shut out the world for hours... so peaceful...
I love quilt shows!! We have some remarkable places not too far in Lancaster, PA == Amish country... I love spending the day there!!
and material?  I am SO bad about it.. I buy fat quarters almost weekly when I am quilting.. It over took a large dresser!!
I don't really have a lot of spare time but I am going to be submitting some of my watercolors for a contest through Daniel Smith. I'm thinking of sending in some old favorites and have already started on some more. I have to limit the time I paint though, it hurts too much. I really over did it today and am feeling it tonight. Wish me luck!Allymom.. do you take pics of your paintings to submit?  I would love to see them... another thing I loved was watercolors.....   I don't think I ever got good at it... but I did love it.
There's a guy on this website Colin Berry? I think.. (I'll check that and edit to correct if it's wrong) and go to his profile here... click on his website...... he does some beautiful realist painting....... wow.
Best of luck with your submittals!!
ETA:  la link:
babs102009-08-08 08:02:43Once more allow me to make a public apology, a heartfelt apology, to those that I left out/off the list. It was not my intention to slight anyone or indicate in any way that this was somehow a restricted topic. I am heartily sorry for leaving that impression. Humbly, Shug [QUOTE=Spelunker]Once more allow me to make a public apology, a heartfelt apology, to those that I left out/off the list. It was not my intention to slight anyone or indicate in any way that this was somehow a restricted topic. I am heartily sorry for leaving that impression. Humbly, Shug [/QUOTE]
I do not know how or why you are feeling as though you did something wrong here?? ....
inquiring about friends...and others on a medical website is NOT something you should ever feel you need to apologize for!!
You are a loving caring soul who we should all be thankful to have as our friend on here!!
sheesh.... is this a damned if you do.. damned if you don't  place isn't it? 
As Lincoln quote Lygate:  “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.
[QUOTE=Spelunker].. a documentary, Reclaiming the Blade [/QUOTE]

Very information and entertaining, although the music was, at least for us, intrusive and less that appropriate. The highlight was an ongoing interview with Bob Anderson, sword master to the stars.

Not only was sword fighting detailed, Eastern and Western, but the development of forging techniques was both discussed and shown.

Babs, an apology for making a seemingly exclusionary "list" was necessary, you will just have to take my word for it.

Snow, don't you dare keep your paws off the keyboard.  I love your posts, writing and gentleness.  I always read your posts and they make me smile.  You have a keen insight and rare talent and I would be saddened if you kept your paws to yourself.  Lindy

I'll second that Snow.  I think you are one of the most (if not the most) consistantly level headed, friendly, kind and interesting people on this forum.  I'd hate to see you hide your read my message..... You know how I feel about you.  [QUOTE=LinB] Shug, I can't think of any art more healing than messing with clay.  It's all about the process as you're aware of.  You might think about bringing some clay in and work in small batches and handbuild some pieces to glaze, fire at a later date.  At least you'd have your hands in the clay. 
My goal this winter is to make a series of clay wall hangings.  Maybe Raku if I can talk the instructor into firing larger Raku pieces.   
I just started a 10x10 inch multi-media picture of a painted broken wedding vase representing Freida and Diego's life.  The vase has Frieda's face on it and Diego's face is in the spilled water pool from the vase.  I'm still working on the sketches.  It's been a long process and many sketch changes.  I'm still sketching out my 9 Huichol inspired small paintings. 
I have a small studio for my jewelry making but nothing for clay or painting.  I'll have to use the school's clay studio and I'll paint in my dining room where the sunlight is beautifully filtered.  It will be interesting to see if my wrist hold up to working the clay.  Have a restful evening. 
Babs and everyone else, I'd love to see your arts.  Lindy
I'm very intrigued by your descriptions, Lindy!!  The Freida and Diego's life sounds wonderful....
Isn't Huchinol art very colorful and intricately detailed w/ color and lines?  There were vases at a local chain store that sells closed lots, etc.... which had big vases and pitchers (these were just browns and cream colored lines)..... I saw them advertised and never got there to my dismay....
Snow, you house sounds like it is really great.  I would love to see photos if you would like to share!  Do you ever go to Renaissance Fairs? 
Please don't stop posting, as I will be very upset.  You are a very treasured member of the board - we can't lose you, please.  We need people with positive energy, humor, and a strong respect for everyone on the board, which is who you are. 
As someone who often feels I am just tolerated by the board, I can tell you that you are a blessing to me, and I hope you will be here for me, as well as everyone else who needs you!  As you can see on this thread, as well as many others, I jumped in without being on the select list, and doggonit I'll keep on trying!
[QUOTE=Hillhoney]Snow, you house sounds like it is really great.  I would love to see photos if you would like to share!  Do you ever go to Renaissance Fairs? 
Hell.. you mean you want to be on the list of those who were having some issues and sufferings?
I hope I drop off it!! Thank you Snow and Linda for your kind words. Snow I understand totally, and I'm glad you are continuing to post.
I hope some of our other more silent members, who don't post frequently will let us know how they are doing also.  This thread could be a wonderful opportunity to hear from you and allow us to offer support to all of you as well.
OOOH Ren Faires!!  We live 140  miles  from The Sterling Renasainnce Faire in Sterling NY and go often.. I love getting into garb and the turkey legs.. and oh my the music and the  closing pub sing..
sigh we missed it this year.
I hear you about art.. You get into a flow that is so healing.. I  was a dismal failure with clay  but I dicovered that I LOVE stained glass and am not too bad at it.. There is something about cutting the glass and grinding and foiling.. hours can slip by..
Right now though, I am without a studio since my son  has taken the 2 attic rooms.. My plan is to finish the last attic room and use that as a studio/storage room.  I have about 300 pounds of glass much of which I keep in an antique hardware store  cabinet..
I love glass to the point that I have  2 plain squares of it propped up on our buffet..
I love ren fests too and we have a wonderful one here in atlanta every spring. art and crafts are my release too. Kathy I love the art of stained glass do you have any pic's of your work? Just reading through some of the post and thought that this SCA thing would be good for photography and the like.
I could find that very interesting.

edited for Bloody typos
Bodak2009-08-11 22:51:46Just catching up on the family. Love to you all. [QUOTE=Hillhoney]Thank you Snow and Linda for your kind words. Snow I understand totally, and I'm glad you are continuing to post.
I hope some of our other more silent members, who don't post frequently will let us know how they are doing also.  This thread could be a wonderful opportunity to hear from you and allow us to offer support to all of you as well.
absolutely true! What a GREAT idea, Shug!!!
I too, love Ren Faires..... We have a rather large one in Aug to September where I've gone and enjoyed the period dressing, the jousting, the human chess games!!  and played the games right along!  Great fun!
We have a big ren fair that comes around in the Fall.  I've never been, but my sister and her family have costumes (my sister's dress is beautiful) and have a lot of fun with it.  Every year I say I'm going to go, but never seem to get around to it.  Maybe this year.....I recall one year, there was a young woman dressed in the period garb who had two "eyes" painted on her bosom....
I thought, how clever...... while we thought we had figured out why she did sister asked her and she said....
Well, my lady... when a man looks at me....I want him to look me in the EYES!!
Ok.  I'll admit it.  I have no clue what a peplum vest is.It's a vest to wrap your peplum in! [QUOTE=Linncn]Ok.  I'll admit it.  I have no clue what a peplum vest is.[/QUOTE]

A peplum is a flared ruffle attached to the waistline of a garment. In this case, the peplum was part of a sleeveless, laced-up-the-front, scooped necked vest.
Ah....that sounds really pretty. 
Hill~My wedding dress was a maternity "tent" and my "bling" was my employee ID... we "eloped" at the courthouse during a lunchbreak when we both worked for Big Pharma. :) Jas~ do you ever regret not having a big wedding?  We eloped to Las Vegas.  Tacky?  Maybe, but we're coming up to our 27th year, so sometimes tacky works!  Anyway, their was a chunk of time that I wished I would have had the whole 9 yards.  But that was a long time ago, when my friends were getting married.  I do wish I had some pictures.  But other than that, I happy with the way we did it.HELL NO.  I've never been to a big wedding that I enjoyed.  Too contrived, too much drama, too much $$$ (and I can afford the $$$!!!).  Hell, I think there should just be an option to take the forms home, sign them, and mail them in to the state (and that's only if you really want your sexual relationship registered with the state!).  But then I'm a bit crazy that way...  No, don't sugar coat it.  Say how you really feel
Linda, my hubby and I are also going to be married 27 years on the 28th.  I had the church wedding and the whole 9 yards, and have no regrets.  But it's a very personal thing, and should just be a moment in time that you will always treasure and remember with happiness.
We actually found a little curch in the outskirts of Las Vegas.  That was not our original plan, but those chapels are reeeeaaaallly cheesey.  We just couldn't do it :)  So it was my husband and me, Pastor Bob McDuffy and his wife as our witness.  And I'm smiling while I write this, so it must be one of those moments that I treasure and remember with happiness.
And yes, my husband watches the chick flicks in this family.  I prefer Jackass or science documentaries. ;) The only one in my fam that was not ok with our decision to elope was my Grandpa.  He wanted to see me get married.  My dad said his friends thought he lucked out.  Two daughters and he didn't have to pay for one wedding.  My sister eloped too.  But then, so did my parents so I guess it runs in the family.Oh my gosh!  How can my dog spot a little brown toad on my back porch in the dark??  I couldn't see what he was barking at till I flipped on the light. [QUOTE=Linncn]Oh my gosh!  How can my dog spot a little brown toad on my back porch in the dark??  I couldn't see what he was barking at till I flipped on the light.[/QUOTE]

Smell and hearing probably I did save him though :)  Not that he was in any danger on the other side of the door.  Not from Charlie anyway.Oh I got married at the courthouse myself. By betroved had a terrible case of food poisoning and we missed our intended wedding date. I was pretty young and wondered if some of it was cold feet. He was terribly ill the doctor wanted me to take him to the hospital for admitance. He would not go. As soon as his fever broke and he was no longer vomiting I drug him into the court house. Friday the thirtenth he said. Yep. LOLMilly, just wondering.... did you  drug him?    or   drag him?  to the courthouse.
I love reading everyone's personal posts. My lips :)
Married 43 years to the same man. Full 9  yards too. Glad we have photos, can hardly remember who those young people are!
 hugs to all, Lyn
My son, the one getting married in October, actually already had a court house wedding.  He and his wife were engaged and he was about to deploy and it turns out, deployment pay is a lot higher if you have a spouse back home.  They decided they might as well pad their savings while they can, so off they went to say "I do".  I guess there will be no cold feet at this wedding!Bob and I were also married in the court house, attended by my brother and sister-in-law, a mutual friend and her husband.

We had planned an outdoor wedding in the autumn, instead it was an early March wedding. We spontaneously decided not to wait and were married the next afternoon.

We have been married 31.5 years. Not bad for someone who was never going to get married, say eh?
That's so funny older brother said he was never going to get married, right up until the night he announc ed his engagement!!  I think it's 20 for them, now. 
Congratulations on your change of heart and you 31.5 years together :)
And to your 43 years, Lyn.  No small potatoes here, huh?
We got married in Las Vegas and honeymooned there.  It was our second marriage and it really didn't matter where we got married.  I set up the ceremony at the chapel in the MGM Grand Hotel and it turned out to be a beautiful, small, elegant chapel.  The whole thing was sort of surreal.  You had to walk from the parking garage through the casino and then through Looney Tune Land.  The Chapel was in Looney Tune Land and there were brides and grooms posing with Looney Tune characters and riding the rides.  Very bizarre to see someone in a Vera Wang gown posing with Donald Duck! 
The ceremony was quiet and dignified.  I think anything after that would have appeared dignified!  Our wedding was strange and wonderful and we still laugh about it 15 years later.  Lindy 
We were married 27 years ago June. My dad wanted the works for his little girl. We didn't really want to be spot lighted but there was nothing I wouldn't do for my father. We were married outside in a gazebo in a park. I had a 1930's limo and everytime I entered or exited a red carpet was extended. After the ceremony they set up a bucket of ice and champagne on the red carpet and we drank and took pictures. Then they had stage props of gangster guns that we all posed with- I guess like it was a shotgun wedding? I remember my flower girl took so long to get down the aisle. She would look in her little basket and choose just the right petal to throw with each step.Earlier in the thread Babs mentioned her quilting and 'fat quarters' and Lindy spke about fabric art. I want to share the following with all of you as a small example of my fabric art  Yes!! How cool!!  Love the southwest themes too!!
Thanks Shug!

Beautiful work, Shug!

Love the stained glass too!
I didn't really pay much attention to the glass........
but they are really interesting!!!  very creative! 
Great designs.  I'm not a sewer or quilter but I sure admire both and wish I could.  L