Alternatives to Drugs | Arthritis Information


Do you feel that the acupuncture has helped? I've had a few people suggest I get some and I wander about its benefits or whether it is all 'in the mind' i.e. the placebo effect-you feel better because you expect to.


Welcome to the board!

I have also done accupunture and accpressure on and off for two years now. I find that these two therapies help relieve the pain of RA along side with taking the proper medication.

Exercising and keeping limber is also very important.

Good luck!I have been wanting to try accupuncture but it is not covered by my insurance.  My hubby said it really helped him with back pain.  I am going to try it - I have also had other people who are not health nuts or "new age" and say it works.  Give it a try. 


Hi Clairxx : ) I have had accupuncture a few times and it is helpful . I have also been going to a massage therapist 1x a month and I find this helpful as well. It is very relaxing and a treat : ) I asked my doctor if it is OK to go and he said yes as long as the therapist knows my diagnosis. Good luck

When my RD spoke to me about accupunture she said that it had help other people with the pain, but know one knows why. It doesn't work for everyone and i wouldn't say it was amazing, but i feel calm and relaxed when i come back out so i think thats what reduces my pain.


You asked about alternative therapy that works for RA.  I use very high quality natural food supplements and am only needing half of the full dose of Enbrel.  I feel great.  The brand really makes a difference.  It's nice not to have to use so much medicine that can have side effects. I'm hoping to get off of the medicine completely with my doctor's advice. 

Hey, I searched, I found, I have been taking forest wild lingzhi for over 14 years, and I have since reversed gradually the severity of chronic gout of over 2 decades to no attack without a single drug.

My experience is to gradually rejuvenate and build up body system to overcome symptoms and chronic diseases. It is internal problem of autoimmune/metabolic disorder, appropriate herbs and selective diet, a natural approach is more promising. External methods of treatment like accupuncture, accupressure, massage, herbal wash/heating, electronic stimulation, heat padding etc may help temporarily. It requires no term adjustment of the body system. 

All in all it requires "appropriate herbs", "selective foods", "mindset", "determination", "awareness" and "logical decision" to overcome arthritis and other chonic diseases that is my conclusion.

My emphasis is natural approach and view from the angle I have benefited and stay above the chonic disease. If the emphasis is just control the symptom and the severity advances over the years there is a dead end with no positive solution.

Once one has benefited then the angle of view, mindset, and emphasis will be difference.

Good luck in looking into natural approach.   

good luck Clairxx. let us know what your doc says.

acupuncture did nothing for me either. massages help me the most, but it's always only temporary.

god it would be great to get off all this medicine.

I take half of the full dose of Enbrel and use high quality natural food supplements.  It took time for me to get to this point.  If anyone wants specifics about the food supplements I take, you could go to my website at You could contact me through the website and I'll give you the specifics.  LisaK 

I have found forest wild lingzhi, and using for more than 15 years to to reverse chronic gout of over 20years and as health supplement to rejuvenate my body. No drug only natural foods.

During my years of suffering I have had searched and would try anything like accupuncture, accupressure and massage, heat treatment, electronic stimulation, herbal wash, drinking poisonous snake blood and pills, traditional herbs etc. Some methods might help temporary but not a solution.

Appropriate herbs can ease pain and do so many functions in the body that one can feel the activities are taking place. These functions are "neutralize" toxic and "change" it into gases and wastes, "cleanse" it by moving the blood vigorously in the vein of affected swell and joints to twitch automatically during flare up. Forest wild lingzhi help to rejuvenate the defensive body gradually. Selective foods help to keep a good balance.

Appropriate herbs, selective foods, mindset, lifestyle change, determination, consistancy, logical awareness and decision as a whole is a key to freedom of chonic disease.

I have done it to stay above and a "master" to chronic gout so can you.  

I tried once to go off of all the pills and take vitamins and minerals.  A lot of antioxidants, and omegas.

It worked for a while... but when I got a flair - it did nothing.   I went back begging for MTX and prednisone.   The vitamins and minerals help you anyway - and they are good for you - but they didn't stop my flairs... and they were definately worse without the MTX.    I will never do that again - but I still take the vitamins and minerals.

I tried.. I did.

I also tried massage therapy - and it felt good at the time, but the next day, I hurt worse.   I think you have to have a certain KIND of massage, but I'm not sure what kind it is.   I know that a regular massage just made me hurt worse.

The chiropractor _ BAD.

Accupuncture - Nothing

chinese alternative medicine - herbs and teas - NASTY teas... OMG - gross teas. ---NOTHING.

so - if you find something that works.. let me know






My emphasis is "appropriate herb"  (Wild Forest Lingzhi) and herbal formula with selective diet to reverse gradually my chronic gout of over 2 decades. Over the last 14 years I have not taken any single drug nor seen any medical specialist!

During a flare up appropriate herbs could ease pain, "neutralize" and "convert" toxic into gases and wastes. Thereafter followed by the "cleansing" process in the body that could cause the blood in the vein to move vigorously and the affected joints to twitch automatically and continuously. This cleansing process could continue for a couple of days at various intervals as there were many farts. Gases and toxic wastes would also dispose as urines and stools.

Appropriate herbs also rejuvenate the body system gradually to defend and reduce attacks/reverse severity of the disease.

To overcome and stay above the chonic disease is all about finding and using appropriate herbs to effectively ease pain and reach the underlying problem to adjust body system, selective diet, lifestyle change, mindset, determination and logical decision.

I have absolutely found an alternative to drugs - ultrasound.  I bought a product called Sonic Relief that is a home ultrasound unit after I saw it on TV.  The results have been amazing!

I bought it online at

What I haven't been able to find are many other users.  Has anyone else tried this thing?  Is it just me or is it amazing?

