OT - Threads of life......... | Arthritis Information


What threads of life that attach us I wonder..

I know a man called Larry Cameron only because he has Rheumatoid Arthritis and was a member of a forum devoted to such matters.
My ears pricked when I found that he has a strong interest in photography.
That was about as far as any relationship went.

I was not active on the board for over twelve months when all of a sudden I receive an email from another source informing me that Larry was very sick and in a big battle with cancer.

Since then I have had this urge to try and help lift his spirits by any means I can.
Words just did not fit, so how could one do this from across the big water.

The lights went on as I was falling asleep one night to grab some of his images and see what I could do.

What is below is the first image that I grabbed, one of six that I have worked on.
The rest can be seen at the site and by comments from the family I get that they are pleased at what has been done.

Why some threads of life glow more brightly than others I do not know, but a connection between us does seem to exist.
I do not mention all this to big note myself but just find life fascinating the way it works sometimes.

I am sure he will be most pleased with what you have done with his photo Stephen.


Beautiful picture!!!That's really pretty Stephen. Share the other ones if you will.Beautiful!
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