On Being Brave | Arthritis Information


Well I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been reading occasionally and I have been humbled by some of the stories showing great courage during difficult, traumatic times.  It is truly inspiring.  I was sitting on a plane today and wrote this poem.  I thought it was a fitting tribute to those of you who have endured so much with such grace and humility.

Thank you, Alan

On Being Brave

By Alan Duncan


If I was not so properly brave I would cry,

A heart rending wail descending to a mournful sigh.

Perhaps I would seek a cool, dark place to hide,

With stone walls to repel the encroaching red tide.


If I were not so properly brave I would run,

Far away from the maelstrom of chaotic tension

That permeates my mind with blackened dreams,

A constant pressure weakly held by bursting seams,


And so I stand, terribly brave indeed,

Listening to a quiet voice with authority to lead

My quaking, quivering soul on a path to higher ground,

Where angelic voices sing a soothing sound.


And so I stand, insulated from the dark night,

My mind purged of voices preaching irrational fright.

The muted storm rages on distant plains.

While in my heart a supernatural, soothing quiet reigns.


If I were not so terribly brave, I might be wary

Of an unexpected peace that may not tarry,

Of a sudden surge of joy so fragile it might break

If fears spoken too loudly should cause the air to quake.


Eyes tightly closed, I only see life lived now.

And so with gratitude I take a humble bow.

Low to the earth I release my human pain,

Reaching for heaven, I join the angel's refrain.

Thanks for sharing, Alan. thanks Alan....
to all those brave souls fighting the good fight!! 
Best to you
Alan, Thanks for posting this poem. It's a wonderful poem that I know everyone here will appreciate.Oh my Alan, you did it again!  That is very fitting for everyone here.  Rating is a WOW!

beautiful work as always.Alan, you truly inspire me!  Thankyou, Janie. Another great poem Alan....

When I am seen to brave on the outside no one sees the legs running like hell underneath.
Hello Alan, I find myself in awe at what some of the members of the forum contend with day to day. Their courage and bravery humble me. At the same time that bravery moves me to be a better person, to be more considerate, more compassionate, more understanding, and to strive to see the raging storms those brave people face every day and when I can to offer a kind word, a shoulder to lean against, and an ear to hear, truly hear what they are suffering.

Thanks for the vivid reminder, Shug

Thanks, Alan.  We are fortunate so have our very own resident poet!

Shug - You are at the top of the list of people that inspired this poem.  When I read your story I feel foolish for all my fears, anxieties, and bitter complaints.  You have endured so much with such grace and composure.
Stephen - See...you can create a beautiful picture with simple words too!!
...and thanks for all the kind words!
Alan2009-08-08 17:06:30Alan...oh, my. I am honoured and overwhelmed and elevated by the thought that you found grace and composure in my story.

Thank you, Shug
[QUOTE=Alan]Shug - You are at the top of the list of people that inspired this poem.  When I read your story I feel foolish for all my fears, anxieties, and bitter complaints.  You have endured so much with such grace and composure.
Stephen - See...you can create a beautiful picture with simple words too!!
...and thanks for all the kind words!
bravo!!! Hi Shug, what can I say?  Brilliance!  You should publish, regards Janie.Awesome!!!  A hearty lament is good for the soul, clean out the cobwebs and make room for some fresh illumination.

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