MTX and antibiotics | Arthritis Information


Is it ever possible to take MTX with antibiotics.  I'm pretty sure I have a urinary tract infection.  I've already had to stop MTX twice this year and I'm not looking forward to doing it again.

Any info would be appreciated.
I was on antibiotics once while taking mtx and didn't have any problems.  But I suppose it'll depend on what your doctor has to say.
 Also, just last month, I had to have a root canal done and was given antibiotics before the procedure and didn't stop the mtx.
Good Luck!
I think a lot also depends on what sort of infection you're treating. I never came off of it for something like a UTI or Bladder infection but I was taken off of it with broncitis on a couple of occations. It was more about the infection than the antibiotic itself. It's not dangerous....but in certain cases it can slow the healing process so sometimes if an infection won't clear up stopping the med will speed things along.
You're RD would have the best advice about MTX and infections verses your GP.
my RD emphasizes not to stop MTX....... stop enbrel.. but not the MTX..
I would ask the RD what he suggests..... he knows you best.
Once my RD took me off of MTX because I was on antibiotics for a dental infection. It made me flare. The next time I had the dental infection that reoccurred he did not take me off. Not sure why although I did express concern about going into another flare.