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[QUOTE=buckeye]Name one thing you can do today to start changing your circumstances[/QUOTE]

It has been my experience that spending time contemplating such questions provides insight into how I sabotage myself day-to-day. So…with that in mind I invite everyone to join me in an examination of how each of us can change our circumstances.

Today, it is apparent that I need to change my attitude. I have spent the past couple of days feeling rather sorry for myself, but today I am changing that circumstance by partaking of all the positive, joyful, exuberant, and pleasurable things life has to offer: a short walk in the light of early morning; a cup of hot tea on the verandah; bird song and the antics of the two resident Clark’s scaly lizards who spend the morning hours sitting atop the wall that enclosed the backyard in what can only be described as pure, unadulterated, decadent ecstasy in the protection and heat the wall provides.

Attitude not only counts, it stimulates interest, hone the skills necessary to be an active participant in life, and adds vibrant colour to all I do. I purposefully and consciously changed my attitude and in doing so the circumstances of self-pity have dissipated. At least for today!

Edited to correct a typo that created nonsensical syntax.

Spelunker2009-08-10 10:06:48I've been hating how I've been feeling since putting some weight over the last 2-3 years.  So (for today) I'll not be having any snacking going on between meals and lots of water drinking. 

I went for lunch with friends today and realized that I've missed my friends and the girl time together.  That changed before I even read this post.  We made plans to go shopping in Reno next week.  I've been gone for 4 years and all of my friends are still here and it's like I never left.  I feel blessed.  LindyI'm learning to let go and trust in a positive outcome, to really truly feel gratitude for all the blessings in my life and trust in continued blessings.  I am honestly "letting go and letting God".  He will be on watch, giving me a break from being ever watchful and vigilant.  I believe everything IS going to work out and my life is about burst forth with bounty and blessings beyond what I can dream.I am still working on altering my attitude and in turn changing my circumstance: I started altering/changing by returning to those previously discussed exercises to strengthen my ankles and improve my balance. My balance seems worse than it was three weeks ago, or at least my clumsy attempt at some basic Tai Chi indicates balance is nil to none.

My overall attitude has improved...my self-pity has resolved, for now. YES!
[QUOTE=Spelunker]I am still working on altering my attitude and in turn changing my circumstance: I started altering/changing by returning to those previously discussed exercises to strengthen my ankles and improve my balance. My balance seems worse than it was three weeks ago, or at least my clumsy attempt at some basic Tai Chi indicates balance is nil to none.

My overall attitude has improved...my self-pity has resolved, for now. YES!
Can you have a dining chair close by for Tai Chi to save you if you feel off balance.??
[QUOTE=babs10]Today's one thing is to carefully and critically examine my recent panic attack.

The only thing I'm carefully examining tonight is a big bottle of wine...........It has been a very long and busy week

I spent most of the morning really thinking about my weight and how I can change my habits and formulate a plan to lose weight.  Instead of diet I want to lose weight.  With the decision to settle down and moving into the house I've lost my focus on nutrition and weight loss and I have to get it back.  Stan and I wrote out a plan of action to be implemented starting Sunday.  I've gained 10 lbs. since we left Yuma in late May.  Tomorrow I'll spend the day menu planning for the next month based on good/bad carbs, protein needs and the Mediterranean diet.  I have to make some serious lifestyle changes and they need to be a permanent part of my life.  That includes regular exercise. 
I have an appt. next week with an orthopedic doctor and one of the things we'll be discussing is a knee replacement.  I won't even consider it till I've lost 30 lbs. 
I've had a lot to think about today and some serious soul searching.  Lindy   
LinB2009-08-14 20:02:03
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