Pain Management | Arthritis Information


Good Morning Everyone,

I emailed my doctor yesturday to talk to him about my pain medication. He stated I was on the strongest narcotic that could be faxed to the pharmacy.  If he changed me to a stronger one I would have to come into the office once a month.  With me living 2 1/2 hours away that would be awful hard to do.
He also said something about going to a pain management center.  I have read where there are quite a few of you to go to one.  What is it?  What do they do for you and how do they do it?  How often do you have to go?
I know nothing about pain Management center and just wanted some insight just in case I do have to go.
Hope everyone has a less painful day and I am sending warm hugs to help.
I'm sorry but I have not been to a center.  I know about the prescritions because I have to go every month and pick mine up.  Good luck finding a solution to your pain and I'm sure someone will respond to your post soon.  HGmy dr will mail me my script maybe that is an option for you...or perhaps you can get your PCP to prescribe the pain medsToB, from my experience with pain management clinics each operates differently, however, in general, aside from narcotic pain control and nerve blocks, clinics offer adjunct therapies such as biofeedback and relaxation response (two of my favoured tools), massage, accupuncture, psychological counseling, etc..

It has been my experience that pain medications provide more and better sustained pain relief when coupled or combined with other techniques.

I highly recommend a series of appointments, with a caveat: I know that many people find no relief from alternative techniques and find the concept of various clinics to border on quackery and false premises.

Best wishes, Shug
Is you dr. reccommending a pain management dr. or clinic?  Many people often stay at a clinic.  A pain management dr. will have appoinments like any other of your drs.  I see a pain dr. who is wonderful.  For the past couple years we have done nerve blocks, injections, and finally, as a last resort, pain meds.  He regularly communicates with my RD-especially when he feels a ra med isn't working.Sorry for your unmanaged pain. I have no experience or advice on a pain management center but I wanted say I hope you get relief soon.I am so sorry that I really mis-spoke.  It would be a pain dr. not a clinic.  I am so new to this I don't even know what it is called!
I love my chiropractor and a good massage, in fact I have a gift cert on my frig from my boss I need to use.
I am just not think very well these days.
Thank you for taking time for responding to my question.
Sending warm hugs and love.
In the state I live in my PCP can write up to 3 Rx's, post dated, so I only have to see her every 3 months and we live in the same city.  Might check on that.Ooops, sorry: my error. While the local pain management center/clinic is not necessary an inpatient facility, it is quite different from the office of the two pain management physicians.

I apologize for interrupting the flow of the conversation with my input regarding my personal experiences.