blood testing | Arthritis Information


ok im really nervous

im going to take my blood tonight, all by myself for the FIRST time ever
wah, i even dreamed about it last night
sorta a nightmare, when i poked myself in the dream, instead of blood, pink lemonade came out
so, i have to do it NOW
and there's no chickening out lol
my mom's been in bed sick all day
she feels so icky, bad tummy ache and feels throwy uppy
i also have to remember to take my pills, at 7
so, this is scary... is it gonnna hurt ALOT?
im just nervous, that im gonna make a mistake or something
NOBODY ever taught me how to use it
oh well, here we go...
edited to erase weird smiley faces
StarPerson1212009-08-11 15:51:11i did it, and i will just copy and paste what i sayd on the diabetes message board, lol.
omg I DID IT

first, i found the meter
then i got the needle part

wowwee!!! i think i did it wrong
it hurt ALOT, burned and stuff

when my mom does it
it doesnt hurt at all

so, when i hear the beep
i go with the meter, runnin to my moms bedroom
and i wake her up

tonights number is 96
and i was shocked
i think thats the lowest ive been since i got this back in May

well, now i wanna do my blood all the time
its cool, actually
Yay! WTG, Star!I'm sorry but at your age you should have been able to do this at the end of your first session with the diabetic instructor. It's not a big deal Star. Just do it! Better get use to the needles cause they are now with you for the rest of your life. Dont fear them.

Good for you!

I would have chickened out. I do not like needles and especially ones that I know is going to hurt me like pricking my finger. But I have found out recently, that the tips of some of my fingers are numb and I cannot feel the needle pricking them. The numbest finger is my right pinky.
I have to go this week sometime for my normal labwork for MTX and for to start Reclast soon. So... I hope I get the lady who never hurts me and gets it on the first stick.

WOW, My best friends child was checking his own BS at age 5!



Geez Phats.  The kid faced a fear and succsessfully accomplished his goal.  It doesn't matter what the fear is, he did it.    Why smack him down?  If my mom would have ever got up the guts to drive on the expressway (which she never did)  we'd have said......yay mom!  not.....So?  We've been doing that since we were 16.......Well done Star. My daughters friend is 21 , her mum still does her injections for her..not because she cant but she is so frightened of needles she shakes so much. LOL. My husband used to do my humira and enbrel so dont worry if this is your first injection...everyone is different [QUOTE=Linncn]Geez Phats.  The kid faced a fear and succsessfully accomplished his goal.  It doesn't matter what the fear is, he did it.    Why smack him down?  If my mom would have ever got up the guts to drive on the expressway (which she never did)  we'd have said......yay mom!  not.....So?  We've been doing that since we were 16.......[/QUOTE]
exactly! WTG Star
My grandaughter was about 2 when she was dxd with diabetes.  She is now 11 and she does check her blood levels but then she has had this for 9 years.  She is very lucky because she has the insulin pump so no injections but her Dad always checks her #'s just to be sure.  In time you will become very accustomed to the routine and it will not be a problem.
ps  I am still afraid to check her blood levels. (Chicken) 
Good job Star.  Fear of the unknown is usually far worse that the actual thing which we fear. 
oh SnowOwl
thats the weird part
my grandma who has type 2, her doctor told her to use rubbing alcohol before she pokes herself BUT my doctor sayd not to, so i dont use rubbing alcohol, i just wash my finger off with water
also my diabetes lady, she sayd to squeeze ur finger until the blood came out, BUT my grandma's diabetes doctor told her NEVER to do that
oh well, it works anyways
i showed my mom this morning, i did exactly what i did last night. UNFORTUNATELY, i AGAIN poked my finger, in the wrong spot and it stung and burned for a while, my mom sayd its cuz i hit a nerve or something, oh well this mornings number was 87.
so im good, gonna do it again tonight and my mom told me she would show me where to poke my finger, so it wont hurt...
yup i can do it whenever i want, or need to
cuz i used to feel like it was really high, after i ate alot of food
but i couldnt check, but now i can, yay
oh and my mom still has a headache, BUT she's up and doing stuff, so she's a little better
Just a word of caution - the test strips are around each.  So definitely test as often as necessary but, like everything else, moderation is key. each? wow, thats expensive
i sure dont wanna waste them unnesisarily (i know i spelled it wrong)
im only gonna check when i feel like its either really high or really low
just like my diabetes friend ppl sayd to on the diabetes message board
and of course, i'll always do my 2 hour after meal check
i cant wait, my moms gonna show me how to not hurt myself
then i'll like it even better
atleast i learned how to do my own blood checking
even tho i wont be doing this forever, its still gonna be atleast until November
we have ALOT of pred to lower, i have a rhuemy appt. next wednesday and he's gonna lower the dose again, SLOWLY we'll be off pred, someday...


