Who has extreme fatigue? | Arthritis Information


Can anyone tell me what they go through daily with their fatigue ? Anyone extremely affected by it? Did your medications help? Can you work? What can and can't you do?

Thank you


When my rheumatoid arthritis isn't under control or when I'm sick and my immune system is in high gear flaring my joints, then yes, I am in extreme fatigue. I'm not sure what i can do I just know what i want to do and that's lay down and do nothing. Before this rituxan kicked in, it was hard to get out of bed.  Once the rituxan kicked in, I have my energy back. Same thing happened when i was on enbrel. I called it my feel good medicine. I think that if you have fatigue, either your ra isn't controlled or you are sick somewhere else.
I am always having extreme fatigue, even when I'm not flaring. I worked as a recovery room RN in a busy surgical department for many years, but 5 years ago I had to take a desk job, due to the chronic fatigue and the pain associated with multiple foot and knee surgeries that I've had.
Right now, I'm working 5 days a week, but I'm thinking about cutting back to 3 days a week. The 5 day work week totally wipes me out, and I usually spend both Saturday and Sunday in bed. I just saw my RD today, and we discussed my fatigue, and both of us are hoping once the Simponi kicks in (I take my third dose on Friday), my fatigue level will be better.
Thank you Lev and Gale. I wish I knew what was going on with me, the doctors don't really know either. I've never felt like this.How about fever? Do either one of you get a fever? I've been at 99.9 off and on.Klynn,
I usually always keep a fever at just around 100 degrees when my rheumatoid arthritis isn't under control. If I am taking prednisone to control the ra, I have a fever in the morning (high99) and it goes down as the prednisone takes effect.

Features of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Today is an extreme fatigue day for me and well as a fever day: 101.8 this morning when Bob helped me out of bed. It is not even 9:30 and I am ready for a nap. I loathe felling like this, but, alas, expect it on occasion.

Kelly, I hope you are feeling less fatigued today and that you are being to feel better 'all over'. Cheers, Shug
well count me in on the fatigue. I need to go get an injection before I drive to Indiana that is for sure.Kelly, my fatigue used to come just about the time I needed a shot or when I went off my meds for some reason.  I also ran a low grade fever, usually in the evening.  I agree it can be an indication of poorly controlled RA.

I can have other causes though.  Now, I am fatigued because of my heart issues.  Whatever, it surely warrants a closer look!

I hope you find answers and solutions soon!  Best to you and {{{ My RA is under excellent control now, yet I still tire much more easily than I used to. I work a full time job. Luckily I have my own office, and there are literally days where I will put my head down on my desk and close my door and rest for awhile. Otherwise, I can't continue. I keep a fleece blanket under my desk and take it out and use it for a pillow.
Before the RA was under control, I had scary times where I was so tired I didn't know how I was going to get home from work -- and now and then actually pulled over when driving to close my eyes and rest for 15 or 20 minutes. That rarely happens now. But I need much more sleep, and I can be very lazy on the weekends. I am in bed by 9:30 during the week, and move slowly when I get up in the morning. But I get up, get dressed, and get out to work. I know it's a gift to still be able to do that.
My rheumatologist said the fatigue is the trickiest part, and just an inherent part of the disease. I am still much more active than a lot of 'healthy' people I know. You make peace with it.

Yes I have fatigue and fever.  I still work but had to cut back to four days a week.  By Friday, I couldn't work if I wanted.  I go to bed early becauce I am so tired and get up early because I am so stiff and have to have time to lossen up be fore I get ready for work.  This is the only way I can function.  I have yet to have my RA under control but I am still hoping it will happen soon...

I also still work a 40 hr. week. It is mostly sit down work but I  still get plenty tired. Like others here I go to bed early(most nights) because for one I am exhausted and  I also must get  up extra early just to limber up so I can get around and get ready for work. Most days it's about an  hour.  I have noticed that even when  my RA is somewhat under control I still get fatigued to  a certain degree.  I too am hoping for more tighter control soon. However it just seems to keep eluding me.  Between injections I  do have some good days but  as the next one approaches the effect wears off. *sigh*  Hi, yes extreme fatigue, I have always had poorly controlled severe RA (my RD's description) and I also have lots of co-morbidities, one being sleep apnoea which it is worth getting checked for and one other, anaemia of chronic disease, (have infused iron regularly) as cannot ingest iron anymore due to damage to stomach and oesophagus/intestines from drugs.  These two conditions can be treated and also if you have thryoid disease, these can all help to make fatigue even worse, so pls get them checked, they are common in people with chronic illness, regards Janie 
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