Your interpretation | Arthritis Information


I was just wanting to know what your interpretation is for the meanings of how you feel your RA is doing.

To me when I said I am doing well. That means I am neither good nor bad, but inbetween. There is room for improvement or room to get worse, it is a toss up. Just have to wait to see which way it wants to go at that time. It also means I am doing better than before my infusion and some of my problems have abated.
Now when I said I am doing GREAT, that means I have been doing well for a couple of weeks or so and I have improved in my abilities and am optimistic that I will not revert back before my next infusion. That most of my problems have abated.
I have never had an EXCELLENT. I am still working towards that one. Hopefully it will be soon.
I'll be hoping you get that excellent before too long too, Joonie.  Until then, I guess we'll be thankful for the GREAT's and the doing well's.  :)Thanks Link, I hope so too.
See, my RD has this scale thing on the sheet you fill out. It wants to know how you think your RA has been for the past 2 weeks, with all things considered. 1 = excellent, 10=bad. and there are .5's for each #. I am never sure how to rate myself. I usually give myself a 5.5 or 6. I need to come up with some kind of formula that will give me the answer
Like well days do not count they are 0 and so many good days = a great week and then bad days subtract 2 and then divide them all by how many days in a month. HAHAHA!!
I forgot good is when I have days when I feel good and do good, but then I have a couple of bad days thrown at me. and then I go back to doing okay and work up from there. It is weird. Those kind of weeks throw me into the unknown, and I just cannot make heads or tails, until I go a couple of days and realize what is causing it, weather usually. Then I slowly start doing good when the weather clears up. But there are times when I expect to do not so well, because of the weather and I stay the same.
It is an enigma that is for sure.
joonie2009-08-17 20:53:49There's a possibility that you're physically out-of-shape. Thus, anything more than minimal movement is followed by days of discomfort and pain. The best thing to do is keep moving even if it hurts because in time you will realize you can move around more and do more and not feel so lousy.  You will realize, too, you won't need as many pain relievers.

Sure you can do it! It's a bit like getting a call from an old friend saying she'll be coming by to visit and the house looks as though a tornado came through. You don't wish you could do something about it - You do something about it.  

Could be watchingwolf, it is sometimes after I clean and then some joints will swell.
