Don't you just... | Arthritis Information


Don't you just hate it when you get a call from a doctors office to remind you of an appt that is the next day, and you are trying to place the doctors name with what you went to see him for in the first place and then it slowly dawns on you it is an appt that was made a year ago and it is a one year check up on your goiter on your thyroid, and then you have to opt to cancle the appt because you do not have a way to go over 1.5 hours to see this doctor on such a short notice.

It kinda makes me feel like I was loosing my mind, because I know all of my doctors, well most hahaha, and when I have another appt with that doctor that is within this year.
Yeah... my cardiologist does those 1 year follow up appt things as well. It makes no sense to me, as I am sure that appt card will get "lost" before the appt comes around.
They should just say come back when you need us, instead of making an appt a year in advance. Because more times than not you will be at the that doctors office before the next 1 year appt. Well, unless you are me.
I have a day planner......I write all my appointments in it .... writing those for the next year on the last day of the year to be forwarded to the right date.
I also stick the card in my business card file and remove the previous one for quick reference to the phone number.
kelstev.. that is a good idea!
[QUOTE=kelstev]...keep the app't card on the cork board.  Then at the end of the year when I get my new calendar, I take all the app't cards that are on the board and write them into the new calendar.  I'd never be able to remember all of my app'ts without doing this.  Never in my entire life have I had an appt. with a doctor made a year in advance! Hummmm... now I just need to find a place to hang the corkboard where my son cannot touch it. Oh and buy a corkboard. Oh I know! I can hijack my moms corkboard. She will not mind if I take it home with me.
Recently... the way I have been keeping up with my appt cards is I have a pocket in my little purse that I stick them all in and I leave them in there. Because my hubby is famous for asking what time the appt is, after we have gotten into the car on the way to the appt, and if I do not have the appt card to look at I just do not know what time the appt is. And well... I hate when he gets irritated with me when I cannot remember what time the appt is. Heck he is luck, I even remembered correctly that it was even in that month. I have gotten right month, right time, but wrong day. Hahahaha!
Today is just full of surprises... I called to see when my nuclear bone scan was, and I missed it, it was August 4th. I wrote down Aug 24th.
Oh well. Insurance probably would not have paid for another one anyways.
