Joints on Fire | Arthritis Information


Ok I feel a vent coming  on about now. My joints in my ankles and feet and knees have been on fire all  day now. Walking, standing, moving, heck just thinking about moving hurts. Going around with my son getting his financial aide for college straightened out did  help my situation either. I would love to go to sleep but The pain and fire is driving me up the wall. I suppose it's time to pull out the heavy duty pain pills. Maybe then I  can get some sleep.
Hi Mom23, sorry to hear you are in a flare by the sounds of things, do you ever try a booster pack of pred?  Maybe its worth a go?  Good luck from Janie.  Feel better soon. I just never know what kind of a day to expect. My left knee just could not get in the grove today. It kept asking me Who gave you permission to walk today? It was a wobbley battle. Not sure who won that arguement. Wishing you a good nights rest. I hope tomorrow is a better day.Sorry to hear that Mom2three. I know of another person who had a bad ankle and then mine started up last night. Here it is very hot & humid- wondering if it could have anything to do with that. Hope you are feeling better now. Sorry to hear you are in pain, I hope it abates for you soon.

Feel better fast!
Sorry to hear about your pain mom2three.  I have been struggling with my ankle a lot lately.  I am still battling the worst flare I have ever had.  Hope you are feeling better and got your rest.  HGI hope you are feeling better this morning. Recently Allymom described her joints as being "mad", a great description of that deep burning pain that just seems to go on and on.

Best wishes, Shug
Totaaly know how that feels. Feel better soon.Awwww least when other things hurt you can still get around, but legs and ankles sure puts the breaks on.  Have you called your RD?  May have a suggestion.  Do you like ice or heat?  My RD says do whatever feels best to me, so ice it is.  I hope you can find some relief soon so you can get some rest.  It seems no rest=flare=no rest=worse flare... you get the idea, I am sure!  Maybe RD can help with the sleep?

Take care and take a few days off to keep the feet up and heated/iced.  Best to you and I hope you feel better soon!

Feel a little better today.  Just can't get back to 100% though. I agree about the joints being "mad"  Mine were sure  mad yesterday. And yes thank God for  narcotics.  I was able  to get a fairly decent nights sleep after taking some. Yes I do have the booster packs and I took one today not  total relief yet though. Thanks for checking up on me everyone and for letting me do a mini vent yesterday.:)
I know how you feel.  My ankles and feet hurt everyday.  I use ice a lot and it seems to help.Glad you are feeling a bit less pain today.  Hope tomorrow finds you feeling even better.