this is terrible | Arthritis Information


oh im f*cked now

i had my visual feild test today
NO sign of glaucoma problems, but high pressure still
eye doctors not sure of drops or not, doing another test next friday for that
BUT APPARENTLY, the test found something completely unexpected
a vision problem due to something "nurological"
so now, im d*mned
i have to have an MRI
and see a pediatric nurologist
waitin for my doc to call and schedule the appt.'s
oh lucky me thnx u ppl, ur right
i gotta calm down a lil bit
so the person called, the MRI is next wednesday at 5 PM
and at 3 today, my mom gotta call and schedule and appt. w/ the nurologist person
actually it seems like my mom is more nervous than me
i guess, we'll just do what has to be done
and hope everythin will be OK
Mom's get nervous- we don't like when everything is not A-OK with our kids. We start trying to think of how we can take care of the problem so everything is good. Most of the time it's out of our power.
Hope it turns out then the "unexpected"  vision problem is nothing to be worried about. Did you notice any problem?
what would u consider a "problem"
i havent noticed anything "weird" or different
but, idk. apparently i couldnt see the bright dots in the visual field test, and there's a reason for that, i guess. and its not glaucoma. even tho i might be stuck having to take glaucoma eye drops too.
I'm sorry things aren't going so well but you really do need to try and think positive. That alone can do wonders for you. You are going to become a strong man having been through all of this. Hang in there. I don't know Star- I have no experience with visual field tests. I just wondered if there was anything you noticed that was bothering you. How did it all come about that you needed a test like this? [QUOTE=StarPerson121]what would u consider a "problem" in her brain
OK, after replyin to meanie beanie henrietta lady
i'll say stuff to the other ppl
ok, well nope nothing bothered me actually. what it was, when i had my yearly eye appt. a few weeks ago, he noticed higher pressure in my eyes. said the prednisone caused it. and he wanted to make sure it wasnt glaucoma, or anything. so thats why i had the test. still have high pressure tho, he checked again today.
Did he say it could still be the prednisone but they are just checking it out closer to be sure? You are still on a pretty hefty dose.nope, the glaucoma and high pressure would be from the prednisone
BUT the nurological problem isnt caused by that, he's not sure what caused it
so, i guess he's gonna try and find out
d*mn, now my mom wont be able to schedule my nurologist appt. until tommorow
and then we probably wont get in till after school starts, ugh
just cuz we got new insurance, wah
well, it'll give me some time to prepare
i wonder what they'll do
my mom says she's been to nurologists before, 5 of them
so, idk whats gonna happen
just have to wait n see
[QUOTE=Henrietta] [QUOTE=StarPerson121]what would u consider a "problem"
i havent noticed anything "weird" or different
but, idk. apparently i couldnt see the bright dots in the visual field test, and there's a reason for that, i guess. and its not glaucoma. even tho i might be stuck having to take glaucoma eye drops too.

I asked you this before but are you f***ing normal?  I usually never curse but you are attacking a 14 year old, if this were happening to me I would be scared too!
Hang in there Star, I am sure everything will be ok!
I know it's easier said then done, but try not to worry too much.  It may be a temporary condition that will go away in time.  HGi hope its temporary
because its sorta scary, idk why
i didnt even notice anything was wrong
until i had the test, oh well
its ok
im busy on youtube right now
sending PM"s with my friends, they're all so concerned about my eye stuffs
some more than others, atleast that means ppl like me
Sorry to hear it, Star.
Let us know the results of the MRI and what the eye doctor says.
[QUOTE=StarPerson121]nope, the glaucoma and high pressure would be from the prednisone
BUT the nurological problem isnt caused by that, he's not sure what caused it
so, i guess he's gonna try and find out
Maybe inflammation caused it? When you have pauciarticular JRA you are at risk of getting eye inflammation which initially produces no signs or symptoms in most of those affected. And I believe that inflammation can cause nerve damage.
hmmm, maybe ur right joonie
well we'll just have to wait and see
ya know, my friend who had an MRI to check for glaucoma
said it isnt so bad, she got to listen to music
altho she could barely hear it
so i guess it'll be OK
Hi Star, you really are an inspiration to me!
 I went for eye exam yesterday because I am on Plaquenil. That test is okay, but I have early cataracts, possibly from Pred and age. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself until I read your post.
You tell it, how you feel at the time and then you work your way to ... it'll be OK......
and Yes You Will Be!
 I am amazed at how informed you are .. and you are teaching this granny that I am lucky too.
MRIs are FUN! No really. I do not mind them at all. I actually doze off while getting one. Now, nuclear bone scans are a different thing.... there is a needle involved 3 hours before the scan
I am going for my eye testing, on the 26th, so I can start plaqenil. I finally felt okay with adding yet another med to my already long list of 15 meds. I counted how many meds I was on, and realized it was an odd #. So... if I do the plaq, it will be an even # of 16. well janie i actually havent written anything since last sunday, but i was thinkin about doing some today actually. i need to do somethin fun, to keep me happy
right now im playin monopoly on
anyways my mom called the place to make the nurologist appt.
i dont get in till SEPTEMBER 30TH at 2 in the afternoon
if we had gotten an appt. at 3, so i wouldnt miss any school time
then we wouldve had to wait till november or december, wah!!
me thinks my teachers r gonna be mad at me
lol, coming to school late on september 28th, rhuemy appt that day
and leaving early the 30th
busy week
next weeks busy too
my last week of summer and the only "free" day i have is thursday
Hi Star, thats another thing about RA, its all appointments, I really could be classed as having a full-time job making, travelling and attending these appts!  It is hard sometimes to work around your other commitments but I think your teachers would know you well enough that if you didn't have to miss school, then you wouldn't.  Am I right?  Anyway, Sep 30th isn't all that bad, I had to reschedule my spinal injections today from Monday 24th Aug to Thurs Oct 15th, so you did better than me.  goodnight from not sure, since its a new year w/ new teachers
they might be wondering why im gonna be out so much
anyways goodnight
altho its not night here yet
Hang in there kiddo. Remember; you're a strong one. You can handle this too.
Star don't give your teachers a second thought. You should be able to get a doctors excuse with each appointment. They should understand.You'll be fine.  Medical reasons are always excused absences.  I do think it would be a good idea for your parents to meet with your teachers before school.  Just to let them know what's going on.  Or, if time is an issue-at least talk to your guidance counselor.  They can pass on the info.  I just finished up staff week and talked to quite a few parents.  Kids come on Monday!u sure i'd be ok? maybe...
but i remember last year, the nurse was gettin mean
she was sayin "oh u might not pass this year"
but i did, because i had almost all A's, and just two B's
altho we dont even know who my teachers are yet
cuz we get schedules mailed out, right
but they didnt come yet, lol
and im gettin anxious, cuz i wanna know who im stuck with
oh yeah, ur a teacher! wow u start this monday, i dont have to go till school till the 31st;some ppl start really early...
Star - I don't really think you will have a problem with your teachers about medical absences.  I have taken my son every year to see a pediatric neurologist and a pediatric optamologist for another medical conditon.  He usually missed most of the day when I take him to the pediatric neurologist (At Connecticut Children's Medical Center).  He would get out about an hour or two early to see the optomologist.  My daughter was in middle school last  year and missed about a month due to pnuemonia and complications.  Everyone was very accomodating.  Both of my kids are good kids and well respected and they respect their teachers as well.  Without  your health you have nothing.  So keep your appointments and try your best!  Good luck with this new school year.
Star, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know how scary it can be, and I am a grown adult. Just take it one day at a time and try and not get too worked up over what it "may" be. And don't worry about the teachers, let mom handle that one.I am sure that she can work her magic! 

so we took a trip today

my mom was worried she wouldnt be able to find the nurlogist's place in guilferd (sp?) lol
we did tho, that town sorta reminded me of like the amish ppl, ya kno
it was EMPTY and lots of farms and open space
i'd hate living there
we found the place and then went out to eat after
dad thought it was weird that my mom wanted to find it, since we aint going till the end of next month, he thinks she'll

so we took a trip today

Henrietta,  got  to laugh at you, You can't get under Star's skin,  He's smarter then you.  Can't wait  for him to give a reply. 
ha  ha  Henrietta craw back under your rock
Have a great day Star, .
Wow, me thinks Henrietta has some serious issues! They have drugs for that,you know, hun?

like i sayd before

Henrietta sure must love my posts
she's a BIG fan
almost always replies
