Co-morbidities | Arthritis Information


I just wondered how many people have co-morbidities from their RA or their RA meds, I think this would be very interesting.

I was diagnosed with RA.

I have been diagnosed with OA that has worsened due to RA apparently.  My muscles have been affected by the pred and the disease so now FM too.

Obesity from lack of movement and pred side effects.
Insomnia - Oxycontin/pred
Sleep apnoea - pred (caused cushings syndrome which includes sleep apnoea)
Glaucoma and episcleritis- Pred
Syndrome X (pre-diabetes, which will be diabetes) - Pred
Cushings Syndrome - Pred
Anaemia - Chronic health (RA)
Peripheral Neuropathy - RA
Multiple stress fractures - Pred
Start of cataracts - pred
Depression and anxiety- RA
Plantar fasciitis, heel spur - RA
Muscle wasting - pred
hair loss - MTX and Pred
High Blood pressure, high cholesterol - pred
Peripheral neuropathy - Arava and RA
Scalp irritation causing infections in scalp - RA
GERD - anti-inflammatories and pred
Chronic pain - RA,OA and FM
Memory loss - All illnesses
mouth ulcers - MTX
Short temper and irritability - All of the above

There are probably more but my memory loss is rearing its ugly head!!!!!!  Hope this is interesting, I just shake my head in despair and sometimes I laugh as it is so unbelievable!  Regards Janie. janiefx12009-08-20 21:19:17Janie, I am so full of admiration for you and even more so now I read your list above. Sacre bleu!

Just know that I think about you heaps and send so many good thoughts and prayers to you and Liam. Wish you lived around the corner and I could lend a hand sometimes. I dunno what else to say....that list is horrendous.
Take care
Lyn xxxxxxxx
Thanks Lyndee, I posted this once but I don't know where it went, cyberspace I guess, so thankyou for your prayers and your friendship, I wish you were close by too, we could laugh at it together, lifes too short to worry about it (I must admit, I do at times as I want to be around for my kids like any mother but feel this RA is trying its best to ruin my plans.)  Oh well, have fun while we can thats what I say, thanks again Lyn, hugs Janie.

I was making a mental list of all my DXs the other night when I was trying to go to sleep. I decided that I needed to give a list of my DXs and all my meds to my MIL. Just so they know what all I have and take. I realized that I put my in-laws down for contact information on my doctor papers, but neither of my in-laws know what all I have exactly or take for my DXs. So... I am going to give MIL a list of both.

Janie... you do have a lot on your plate. I hope that some of those can be resolved for you. Much and many hugs to you.
That is quite a list and a lot to deal with. I am almost off the prednisone (been 21 months) and hope to stay off forever (although none of us can promise ourselves that)- I'm curious. What dosage of prednisone and how long have you been on it?
Always wishing you the best and keeping you & Liam in my prayers.
Thanks guys, thats a great idea Joonie, also my GP was laughing the other day when she showed me a referral of mine she was sending to another Dr, she said wenow need an A4 sheet just for the meds and another for the conditions!!!!   janiefx12009-08-21 06:57:28I guess a lot of you are wondering why I don't just come off pred, see previous post above and I can't get out of bed without it.  I am allergic to so many meds that pred has been the only stable DMARD for me.  I have never been able to take any other DMARD for a long period, even MTX that I am on at present, always have breaks due to intolerance or chest infections etc.  Regards Janie.

Wow Janie that IS alot of prednisone.  So sorry it's a must for you. Unfortunately you will have to do what you have to do.  Hopefully some day in the future a new drug will be developed that will help get your RA controlled.

Janie, I am so sorry you have so much to deal with each day; carrying that much weight on your shoulders 24X7 is in and of itself enough to make one depressed, anxious, and despondent.

I am truly in awe of the difficulties many of the member of this forum do deal with daily and I salute you and each of them for enduring...enduring all that life has dealt in such unfair quantities.

Counting my many blessings and sending best wishes, Shug
