Not having a good day !!! | Arthritis Information



I woke up this morning unable to move again. I feel really down. I've been so up and down over the last few weeks and i don't know what to do. I've had enough of this stupid disease and everything that goes with it. Any one any ideas?

UHHHHHHHHHHH  Get used to it

If i'm just being stupid here let me know but i feel so drained i've had hardly any sleep and i don't feel normal at all.


Clairxx,  Many mornings I feel that way.  YOU ARE NOT STUPID.  I hope once in awhile you take those days to stay in bed and spoil yourself.  Sounds like you are in need of a good "me day" to just nurture you! 

By the time I would get dinner done, and get ready for work, I was so exhausted and would start getting really sore and stiff again.  By the time I got to work - I was taking another 2 vicodins and still hurting.  By the time I would get home in the morning, I could barely walk, and almost in tears, could barely take my uniform off... my husband would have to help me.

I am taking humira, MTX, and prednisone and vicodin.   And nothing is working.    All I kept thinking  is  IF I"M TAKING ALL THIS CRAP and nothing is WORKING - WHY am I taking IT???     I got really frustrated and went to my doctor.

He could see that I"m getting pissed.   He gave me a cortisone shot in my hand - and one in my hip.    The next day, I felt a lot better.   It's been a week... and I still feel a lot better.  

He said to let these shots work.. and keep taking the humira and MTX shots, and the prednisone... and give it another month , and THEN we'll talk about med change/adjustment. 

I guess cortisone shots are something they dont do that often.. but my doctor saw I needed a break.      He gave me one in my hand, right in the bone (OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but worth it)))))))))) and then one in my hip for the rest of my body.   

Maybe you could ask for "a break".   It has lasted for a week for me so far.  And i needed it.   

I hope you feel better.  I completely understand how you feel.   It's not fun.

Keep your chin up!


i'm in the same boat. having such a hard time dealing with it all. have had such trouble moving all week, but i still have to work 9 hours a day. it's so hard to focus on work & i'm afraid i'll get fired if i don't shape up.

i'm wanted to just give up. the med's work sometimes. i'm eating right & trying to swim sometimes. baths & massages from my boyfriend help, but i still feel like giving up. i hate this so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sometimes throws us some rather huge boulders to have to duck from...I felt the same way yesterday.  When I came home form the organization that I volunteer at, the day was much longer than it was suppose to be,  all  I wanted to do was come home and die.  I felt so bad... but like the rest of you I had to make dinner for my husband and then do some wash and clean the house cause I have doctors appointment today and I will be watching my granddaughter this weekend, plus my husband has COPD, so I am his full time care taker and I do all the things that he did...when he was able to do them....I am so glad I have my pain pills and allowed to take what is needed to get through. My thought on all of this is that...Yes...we have RA and yes...we have to live with it and yes...the pain is chronic and goes up and down like the weather, but, I am alive and I have a mouth and I am going to darn well use it to tell my doctors what is working what is not and I need HELP now and not tomorrow.  If they will not listen to me, make me live with pain, that can be controlled with medications and ignore my plea's for help...WELL...did I tell you I am on my 4th RA doctor?  I do not live in excruciating pain anymore and I can now do more than I did.  Life is not perfect but it is a heck of a lot better than it was when I was first diagnosed.  I can no longer work at the job I did.  I was sadden to have to leave but I am not having all the pain I was going through either.  Right now I am in a financial bind because I had to quit work and I am made to tighten my belt but I also am in the process of learning an new vocation and ladies I am not laying down and let RA dictate to me what I can or can't do.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and please, do something special, just for desreve it.




Thanks everyone sometimes u just feel like your the only person who feels this was its nice to know i'm amonst friends who share and hate my pain too.

Love ya all

