Baby boy married, visit birthmom,RA | Arthritis Information


Baby boy is now a married man. I cried nearly during the entire service. It was so touching, here we had been members of this church since his arrival and there he was, up there getting married, a woman had fallen in love with him and cared and loves him as much as I do. THere was something about that feeling that I just cannot describe. I guess I am just a huge mush when it comes to my kids. I was so happy for him adn was able to talk with his new bride and spend time with my grandaughter and 2 new step was the best day I have had in a very long time.

IT WORE ME OUT THOUGH !!!!!!!! THe rain is moving in and this RA and fibro has said to me....slow it down but I still have tomorrow to get through yet.....we meet my daughter's birthmom so it has been a full weekend for certain! I ache but just have the meeting then the drive home...then I will REST!Glad you had such a GREAT day!

Take it easy and rest, that is all you shuld have on your "to-do list" now.
Good luck tomorrow...I hope it's another good day for all involved.
So so happy for you.  Hopefully tomorrow will turn out to be a great day all around health wise and otherwise for you.

Aw, that's a great post, I'm so happy for your family.  Congratulations :)Thank you all so much, It was a beautiful ceremony...tearful. He is all grown up, has been through so much.

Birthmom visit went quite well. It was good for my daughter and for the birthmom to experience it. Made it through.

Came home fine, then daughter had to have outfit for an interview...(sigh) so we were back shopping even though we were both totally exhausted.

Jarek did well, was such a good boy. Missed Tim and friends being at the wedding though but that is life.I'm so happy the meeting with your daughter's birth mom went well. Your reaction to your son's wedding sounds just like me when my kids got married - have two boys, one girl, 7 grandkids. I'm very mushy about all of them! Get some rest now!